Electronic Publication/s

collected edition
Richard Corradini - Rob Meens - Christina Pössel - Philip Shaw

Texts and Identities in the Early Middle Ages

ISBN-13: 978-3-7001-3747-4 ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-3806-8
refereed - online - print

Table of contents page 5
(Abstract) (PDF)

Vorwort der Herausgeber page 9
(Abstract) (PDF)

Mayke de Jong - Rosamond McKitterick - Walter Pohl - Ian Wood
Introduction page 11
(Abstract) (PDF)

Bart Jaski
Aeneas and Fénius: a classical case of mistaken identity page 15
(Abstract) (PDF)

Andrew Merrills
Comparative histories: the Vandals, the Sueves and Isidore of Seville page 35
(Abstract) (PDF)

Benjamin Cornford
Paul the Deacon´s understanding of identity, his attitude to barbarians, and his "strategies of distinction" in the Historia Romana page 47
(Abstract) (PDF)

Emma Beddoe
Memory and identity in Flodoard of Reims: his use of the Roman past page 61
(Abstract) (PDF)

Gerda Heydemann
Zur Gestaltung der Rolle Brunhildes in merowingischer Historiographie page 71
(Abstract) (PDF)

Helmut Reimitz
The art of truth. Historiography and identity in the Frankish world page 87
(Abstract) (PDF)

Maximilian Diesenberger
Dissidente Stimmen zum Sturz Tassilos III page 105
(Abstract) (PDF)

Richard Corradini
Die Annales Fuldenses - Identitätskonstruktionen im ostfränkischen Raum am Ende der Karolingerzeit page 121
(Abstract) (PDF)

Bernhard Zeller
Liudolfinger als fränkische Könige? Überlegungen zur sogenannten Continuatio Reginonis page 137
(Abstract) (PDF)

Ewan Johnson
Origin myths and the construction of medieval identities: Norman chronicles 1000-1100 page 153
(Abstract) (PDF)

Marianne Pollheimer
Wie der jung weiß die alten gedachtnus insonders lieb het - Maximilian I., Jakob Mennel und die frühmittelalterliche Geschichte der Habsburger in der "Fürstlichen Chronik" page 165
(Abstract) (PDF)

Pascal Bertrand
Shaping authority and identity: Saint Antony and his followers in early monastic texts page 177
(Abstract) (PDF)

Adriaan Gaastra
Penitentials and canonical authority page 191
(Abstract) (PDF)

Karl R. Giesriegel
Autorität, Chronologie und Gesetzgebung. Königskataloge in fränkischen Leges-Handschriften page 205
(Abstract) (PDF)

Carine van Rhijn
Priests and the Carolingian reforms: the bottlenecks of local correctio page 219
(Abstract) (PDF)

Jasmijn Bovendeert
Royal or monastic identity? Smaragdus´ Via regia and Diadema monachorum reconsidered page 239
(Abstract) (PDF)

Christina Pössel
Authors and recipients of Carolingian capitularies, 779-829 page 253
(Abstract) (PDF)

Rob Meens
The sanctity of the basilica of St. Martin. Gregory of Tours and the practice of sanctuary in the Merovingian period page 275
(Abstract) (PDF)

Els Rose
Fasting flocks. Lenten season in the liturgical communities of early medieval Gaul page 289
(Abstract) (PDF)

Janneke Raaijmakers
Memory and identity: the Annales necrologici of Fulda page 303
(Abstract) (PDF)

Irene van Renswoude
Time is on our side: luturgical time and political history in the Chronicle of Lobbes page 323
(Abstract) (PDF)

Philip Shaw
Hair and heathens: picturing pagans and the Carolingian connection in the Exeter Book and Beowulf-manuscript page 343
(Abstract) (PDF)

Ann Christys
"How can I trust you, since you are a Christian and I am a Moor?" The multiple identities of the Chronicle of Pseudo-Isidore page 359
(Abstract) (PDF)

Peter Erhart
Contentiones inter monachos - Ethnische und politische Identität in monastischen Gemeinschaften des Frühmittelalters page 373
(Abstract) (PDF)

Owen M. Phelan
The Carolingian renewal and Christian formation in ninth century Bavaria page 389
(Abstract) (PDF)

Thomas Lienhard
De I´intéret d´une identité ethnique: les chefs slaves et la Chrétienté d´aprés la Conversio Bagoariorum et Carantanorum page 401
(Abstract) (PDF)

Abbreviations page 413
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Bibliography / Primary sources page 415
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Literature page 427
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