Electronic Publication/s

Raija Mattila - Sebastian Fink - Sanae Ito
Proceedings of the 11th Symposium of the Melammu Project held in Beirut, April 2017

Evidence Combined

Sitzungsberichte der philosophisch-historischen Klasse
ISBN-13: 978-3-7001-8573-4 ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-8961-9
Subject Area: Ancient History
refereed - online - print

Raija Mattila - Sebastian Fink - Sanae Ito
Evidence Combined - complete volume
doi: 10.1553/978OEAW85734
(Abstract) (PDF)

(Abstract) (PDF)

(Abstract) (PDF)

Raija Mattila - Sebastian Fink
Introduction: Evidence Combined – Western and Eastern Sources in Dialogue page 9
(Abstract) (PDF)

Claudia Horst
Politics and Hybrid Identities – The Greek Theatre in Hellenistic Babylon page 11
(Abstract) (PDF)

Monika Schuol
Two obols for the fare across the Styx. Concepts of the deceased’s journey to the underworld in Greece and Mesopotamia page 27
(Abstract) (PDF)

Julian Degen
Planets, Palaces and Empire. Herodotus on Deioces and Ecbatana (Hdt. 1.98–99) page 49
(Abstract) (PDF)

Carlos Cabrera Tejedor
The Mazarrón 1 Shipwreck: Construction Details, Original Function and Cultural Affiliation of an Iron Age Boat from the Iberian Peninsula page 83
(Abstract) (PDF)

Barbara Mura
Continuity and variability in funerary practices in the Eastern and Western Phoenician world page 135
(Abstract) (PDF)

May Haider
Trade and exchange between Phoenicia and Greece: the early pottery evidence page 149
(Abstract) (PDF)

Mary Harlow - Cécile Michel
Textiles from Mesopotamia to Greece (3rd millennium BCE – 3rd century CE) page 171
(Abstract) (PDF)

Hedvig Landenius Enegren
Textile and Textile Tool Expressions in 2nd and 1st Millennium BCE Cyprus page 177
(Abstract) (PDF)

Barbara Couturaud
Dress, Gender and Social Status. Considerations on Garments in Mari (Syria, 25–24th centuries BCE) page 197
(Abstract) (PDF)

Anne-Caroline Rendu Loisel
Nude Females and Girded Men. Clothes and Gender in Akkadian Literature page 217
(Abstract) (PDF)

Cecilie Brøns
What to Wear? Dress-codes in Ancient Greek Sanctuaries page 231
(Abstract) (PDF)

Mait Kõiv
Lydia, Phrygia and the Cimmerians: Mesopotamian and Greek evidence combined page 261
(Abstract) (PDF)

Adam Howe
Gyges Between East and West page 295
(Abstract) (PDF)

Liviu Mihail Iancu
The Great Conflict over the Levant (612–562 BC) and its consequences for the Greeks page 311
(Abstract) (PDF)

Hilmar Klinkott
Between wealth and politics Arsames, the prince, satrap and estate-holder page 373
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Simonetta Ponchia
Reflecting on borders and interconnections in the Mediterranean World: a brief reconsideration of methodological approaches page 393
(Abstract) (PDF)

Krzysztof Nawotka - Piotr Głogowski
Epigraphic habit in Western Asia Minor and in the Levant page 407
(Abstract) (PDF)

Simone Oppen
Comparing laments for the fallen city in the ancient Near Eastern and Greek traditions page 423
(Abstract) (PDF)

Selim Ferruh Adalı
A Comparison of Dissimilarity: Lunar Eclipses in the Enuma Anu Enlil and the Malhama of Daniel page 447
(Abstract) (PDF)

Stéphanie Anthonioz
Jerusalem in the Light of Athens or the Missing Link to the Formation of the Pentateuch page 465
(Abstract) (PDF)

Agnieszka Wojciechowska
Nectanebo II of Greek and Egyptian sources page 485
(Abstract) (PDF)