Subject: Sociology and Economics
ISSN: 1728-4414
ISSN Online: 1728-5305
(Online Edition without reprints)
Successor to Demographische Informationen

Editor: Tomáš Sobotka
Managing Editor: Maria Winkler-Dworak            

Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2023 - complete volume -
(Abstract) (PDF)

(Abstract) (PDF)

(Abstract) (PDF)

Zuzanna Brzozowska - Ekaterina Zhelenkova - Stuart Gietel-Basten
Population decline: Towards a rational, scientific research agenda page 1
doi: 10.1553/p-n48k-cabb
(Abstract) (PDF)

Wendy Sigle
Like high cholesterol, population decline is a problem, but not in the way you might think... page 15
doi: 10.1553/p-jm9f-3jdm
(Abstract) (PDF)

William E. Rees
The human eco-predicament: Overshoot and the population conundrum page 21
doi: 10.1553/p-eznb-ekgc
(Abstract) (PDF)

Wolfgang Lutz
Population decline will likely become a global trend and benefit long-term human wellbeing page 41
doi: 10.1553/p-3cp7-4e6b
(Abstract) (PDF)

Stuart Gietel-Basten
Depopulation or population decline? Demographic nightmares and imaginaries page 57
doi: 10.1553/p-ak37-74ha
(Abstract) (PDF)

Pieter Vanhuysse
A governance perspective on East Central Europe’s population predicament: Young exit, grey voice and lopsided loyalty page 69
doi: 10.1553/p-5gkf-6kn3
(Abstract) (PDF)

Vegard Skirbekk
Low, but not too low, fertility can represent a positive development page 81
doi: 10.1553/p-cmbb-hheg
(Abstract) (PDF)

Elke Loichinger - C. Katharina Spiess
The key role of early education in an ageing and shrinking population: The example of Germany page 93
doi: 10.1553/p-d762-3d9h
(Abstract) (PDF)

Martina Schorn
Implementing youth-oriented policies: A remedy for depopulation in rural regions? page 107
doi: 10.1553/p-2j6h-94ja
(Abstract) (PDF)

David Huntington
Revisiting the impact of urban shrinkage on residential segregation in European cities page 151
doi: 10.1553/p-dbj3-mjda
(Abstract) (PDF)

Nick Parr
Immigration and the prospects for long-run population decreases in European countries page 181
doi: 10.1553/p-8jf5-7cdc
(Abstract) (PDF)

Marianne Tønnessen - Astri Syse
How much would reduced emigration mitigate ageing in Norway? page 211
doi: 10.1553/p-g5fe-hafz
(Abstract) (PDF)

Brienna Perelli-Harris - Yuliya Hilevych
The triple burden of depopulation in Ukraine: examining perceptions of population decline page 245
doi: 10.1553/p-azcj-d4f4
(Abstract) (PDF)

Fernando Gil-Alonso - Jordi Bayona-i-Carrasco - Isabel Pujadas-Rúbies
Is Spanish depopulation irreversible? Recent demographic and spatial changes in small municipalities page 277
doi: 10.1553/p-9fd9-h7g5
(Abstract) (PDF)

Federico Benassi - Annalisa Busetta - Gerardo Gallo - Manuela Stranges
Neighbourhood effects and determinants of population changes in Italy: A spatial perspective page 311
doi: 10.1553/p-5dfz-c44a
(Abstract) (PDF)

Cecilia Reynaud - Sara Miccoli
Demographic sustainability in Italian territories: The link between depopulation and population ageing page 339
doi: 10.1553/p-2n3h-fk5b
(Abstract) (PDF)

Patrizio Vanella - Timon Hellwagner - Philipp Deschermeier
Parsimonious stochastic forecasting of international and internal migration on the NUTS-3 level – an outlook of regional depopulation trends in Germany page 361
doi: 10.1553/p-5pn2-fmn8
(Abstract) (PDF)

Olga Gagauz - Tatiana Tabac - Irina Pahomii
Depopulation in Moldova: The main challenge in the context of extremly high emigration page 419
doi: 10.1553/p-ke2z-76zz
(Abstract) (PDF)