Electronic Publication/s

H. Kirchmeir - P. Cupa - C. Diry - M. Jungmeier Institut für Ökologie

Transboundery Information Exchange for Revision and Functional Improvement of Zonation of the Lower Morava Biosphere Reserve (Czech Republic)

ISBN-13: 978-3-7001-7025-9 ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-7025-9
Subject Area: Sociology and Economics
approbated - online

Hanns Kirchmeir - Petr Cupa - Christian Diry - Michael Jungmeier
Transboundery Information Exchange for Revision and Functional Improvement of Zonation of the Lower Morava Biosphere Reserve (Czech Republic) page 1
doi: 10.1553/mab-tierafiz-lmbr-2010s1
(Abstract) (PDF)

H. Kirchmeir - P. Cupa - C. Diry - M. Jungmeier
Transboundery Information Exchange for Revision and Functional Improvement of Zonation of the Lower Morava Biosphere Reserve (Czech Republic) - ANNEX page 1
doi: 10.1553/mab-tierafiz-lmbr-2010-ANNEX
(Abstract) (PDF)