Electronic Publication/s

Ancient Greek Music in Performance

Ancient Greek Music in Performance


ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-3556-2
Subject AreaClassical Philology
Quality reviewrefereed - online - print

Ancient Greek Music in Performance: Contents


page 7


page 8

John C. Franklin

Hearing Greek Microtones

page 9

Stefan Hagel

Twenty-four in auloi. Aristotle, Met. 1093b, the harmony of the spheres, and the formation of the Perfect System

page 51

Graeme Lawson

Ancient European lyres: excavated finds and experimental performance today

page 93

Matthias J. Pernerstorfer

Carl Orffs hesperische Musik

page 121

Egert Pöhlmann

Dramatische Texte in den Fragmenten antiker Musik

page 131

Robert W. Wallace

Performing Damon´s harmoniai

page 147

Georg Danek

Homerische Vortragstechnik: Rekonstruktion und modernes Publikum

page 159

Contents of the accompanying CD

page 177