Electronic Publication/s

Luke Treadwell

Craftsmen and coins: signed dies in the Iranian world (third to the fifth centuries AH)

Denkschriften der philosophisch-historischen Klasse
423. Band
ISBN-13: 978-3-7001-6959-8 ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-7162-1
Subject Area: Numismatics
refereed - online - print

Preliminaries page 1
(Abstract) (PDF)

Luke Treadwell
Acknowledgements page 5
(Abstract) (PDF)

Table of Contents page 7
(Abstract) (PDF)

Luke Treadwell
Introduction page 8
(Abstract) (PDF)

Luke Treadwell
Signed dies in the Iranian world and beyond page 12
(Abstract) (PDF)

Luke Treadwell
Dirham die production in the caliphal period page 19
(Abstract) (PDF)

Luke Treadwell
The coinage of the Iranian successor states page 26
(Abstract) (PDF)

Luke Treadwell
The first die signer: mujīb in northern afghanistan (293/905–302/914) page 37
(Abstract) (PDF)

Luke Treadwell
Al-Ḥārith (also known as mujīb)’s career in nīshāpūr (313/295–339/950) page 53
(Abstract) (PDF)

Luke Treadwell
Al-Ḥasan b. muḥammad: the early years in the Jibāl region of northern Iran (335/946–352/963) page 66
(Abstract) (PDF)

Luke Treadwell
Al-Ḥasan b. muḥammad: the later years in the Jibāl, Ṭabaristān and arrajān (352/963 to the mid-360s) page 72
(Abstract) (PDF)

Luke Treadwell
Muḥammad: die-engraver in kākwayhid Iṣfahān (413/1022–421/1030) page 85
(Abstract) (PDF)

Luke Treadwell
Conclusions: from mass production to local craft page 90
(Abstract) (PDF)

Bibliography page 97
(Abstract) (PDF)

Luke Treadwell
Estimates of annual die usage in selected sāmānid and būyid mints page 101
(Abstract) (PDF)

Luke Treadwell
Provenance of illustrated coins page 117
(Abstract) (PDF)

Luke Treadwell
Umayyad dirhams (plates 1–2); ʿabbasid dirhams (plate 3) page 121
(Abstract) (PDF)