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Coverpage page 1
doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-3-1s1
(Abstract) (PDF)
Content page 70
doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-3-1s70
(Abstract) (PDF)
Legal Notice page 2
doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-3-1s2
(Abstract) (PDF)
Jean-Jacques Brun
Editorial page 3
doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-3-1s3
(Abstract) (PDF)
Tobias Behnen
The man from the biosphere – exploring the interaction between a protected cultural landscape and its residents by quantitative interviews: the case of the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Rhön, Germany page 5
doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-3-1s5
(Abstract) (PDF)
Peter Huemer
Pseudo-endemism and cryptic diversity in Lepidoptera – case studies from the Alps and the Abruzzi page 11
doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-3-1s11
(Abstract) (PDF)
Gabriele Kraller - Ulrich Strasser - Helmut Franz
Effect of Alpine karst on the hydrology of the Berchtesgadener Ache basin: a comprehensive summary of karst research in the Berchtesgaden Alps page 19
doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-3-1s19
(Abstract) (PDF)
Michael Jungmeier - Ina Paul-Horn - Daniel Zoller - Falk Borsdorf - Karin Grasenick - Sigrun Lange - Birgit Reutz-Hornsteiner
Biosphere reserves as a long-term intervention in a region – strategies, processes, topics and principles of different participative planning and management regimes of biosphere reserves page 29
doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-3-1s29
(Abstract) (PDF)
Michael Vogel
Berchtesgarden National Park page 37
doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-3-1s37
(Abstract) (PDF)
Vlatko Andonovski - Nikolco Velkovskiw
Conservation of Macedonian pine (Pinus peuce Griseb.) genetic resources in Pelister National Park page 41
doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-3-1s41
(Abstract) (PDF)
Alice Trachsel - Norman Backhaus
Perception and needs of older visitors in the Swiss National Park – a qualitative study of hiking tourists over 55 page 47
doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-3-1s47
(Abstract) (PDF)
Ingrid Kohl - Reinhard Pekny
Management in the Dürrenstein Wilderness Area – How much human intervention can the wilderness tolerate? page 51
doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-3-1s51
(Abstract) (PDF)
Sigrun Lange
Biosphere reserves in the mountains of the world and their standing after 40 years of UNESCO’s MAB Programme page 55
doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-3-1s55
(Abstract) (PDF)
Tatjana Yashina
Adaptation to climate change in the biosphere reserves: a case study of Katunskiy Biosphere Reserve, Russia page 59
doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-3-1s59
(Abstract) (PDF)
Zoltán Kun
Biodiversity management strategies for mountains: active or passive management practice? page 63
doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-3-1s63
(Abstract) (PDF)
Andreas Haller
Bookreview: Sailer, G. & P. Scaglione; Dolomiti GeoScape. Geography + Geology = Landscape page 46
doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-3-1s46
(Abstract) (PDF)
News: International Workshop Protected Areas as Tools for Regional Development – Perspectives for Research and Management page 68
doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-3-1s68
(Abstract) (PDF)
U.S. National Park Service
News: PARKScience – Integrating Research and Resource Mangement in the National Parks page 69
doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-3-1s69
(Abstract) (PDF)