Electronic Publication/s

Ritual, Conflict and Consensus: Case Studies from Asia and Europe

Denkschriften der philosophisch-historischen Klasse 432.Band

Ritual, Conflict and Consensus: Case Studies from Asia and Europe


ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-7254-3
Subject AreaSocial Anthropology
Quality reviewrefereed - online - print
Gabriela Kiliánová - Christian Jahoda - Michaela Ferencová


page i

Gabriela Kiliánová - Christian Jahoda - Michaela Ferencová

Table of Contents

page v

Gabriela Kiliánová - Christian Jahoda - Michaela Ferencová

Preface and Acknowledgements

page vii

Gabriela Kiliánová

Introduction: Ritual, Conflict and Consensus

page 1

Joanna Pfaff-Czarnecka

F®ictions, Frames and Fragments: Belonging and Ethnic Boundary- Making in Nepal’s Contested Ritual Communication

page 15

Christian Jahoda

Rituals between Conflict and Consensus: Case Studies of Village Festivals in Upper Kinnaur and Western Tibet

page 31

Maria-Katharina Lang

Ritual Objects between Conflict and Consensus: The Social Life of Sacred Artefacts during Periods of Political Transformation in Mongolia

page 51

Andre Gingrich

Paradise Lost, or Paradise Regained? Conceptions and Ideologies of Himah as a Ritual Site in the Highlands of South-Western Arabia

page 65

Tatiana Bužeková

Modern Faces of Ancient Wisdom: Neo-Shamanic Practices in a Slovak Urban Environment

page 75

Eva-Maria Knoll

Medical Tourism: Reflections on the Fusion of Two Powerful Rituals in a Complex World

page 91

Helmut Lukas

Ritual as a Means of Social Reproduction? Comparisons in Continental South-East Asia: the Lao-Kmhmu Relationship

page 103

Gebhard Fartacek

Rethinking Ethnic Boundaries: Rituals of Pilgrimage and the Construction of Holy Places in Syria

page 119

Gabriela Kiliánová - Christian Jahoda - Michaela Ferencová


page 131

Gabriela Kiliánová - Christian Jahoda - Michaela Ferencová

List of Contributors

page 141