Electronic Publication/s

Multilingualism and History of Knowledge

Iranische Onomastik Nr. 11

Multilingualism and History of Knowledge


ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-7622-0
Subject AreaOriental Studies
Quality reviewrefereed - online - print


Jens E. Braarvig - Markham J. Geller - Velizar Sadovski - Gebhard J. Selz

Editorial Preface


Matteo de Chiara - Mauro Maggi - Giuliana Martini


page 5


page 7

Giuliana Martini

Bodhisattva texts, ideologies and rituals in Khotan in the fifth and sixth centuries

page 13

Matteo de Chiara

The two recensions of the Khotanese Sudhanāvadāna

page 71

Almuth Degener

Mighty animals and powerful women: on the function of some motifs from folk literature in the Khotanese Sudhanāvadāna

page 103

Mauro Maggi

Four more questions and answers from the Khotanese Book of Vimalakīrti

page 131

Yutaka Yoshida

Buddhist texts produced by the Sogdians in China

page 155

Christiane Reck

The commentaries on the Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā among the Sogdian fragments of the Berlin Turfan collection

page 181

Elio Provasi

Sanskrit and Chinese in Sogdian garb: the transcription of Indic proper names in the Sogdian Buddhist texts

page 191

Hirotoshi Ogihara

On the Karmavācanā in Tocharian

page 309

Chao-jung Ching

The activities of Sogdian Buddhists in Kucha as observed in the Tocharian B secular documents

page 333


page 385