Electronic Publication/s

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services as scientific foundation for the sustainable implementation of the Redesigned Biosphere Reserve “Neusiedler See”

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services as scientific foundation for the sustainable implementation of the Redesigned Biosphere Reserve “Neusiedler See”


ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-7289-5
Subject AreaBiological Sciences
Quality reviewapprobated - online
Thomas Wrbka - Christa Hainz-Renetzeder - Michael Kuttner - Anna Hermann - Christiane Brandenburg - Karen Ziener - Brigitte Allex - Ursula Liebl - Christina Czachs - Éva Konkoly‐Gyuró - Ágnes Tirászi - Pál Balázs - Valéria Bacsárdi

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services as scientific foundation for the sustainable implementation of the Redesigned Biosphere Reserve “Neusiedler See”

page 1

doi: 10.1553/bioserv-neusiedler-sees1