Electronic Publication/s

Byzantine War Ideology Between Roman Imperial Concept And Christian Religion

Veröffentlichungen zur Byzanzforschung Band XXX

Byzantine War Ideology Between Roman Imperial Concept And Christian Religion


ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-7375-5
Subject AreaByzantine Studies
Quality reviewrefereed - online - print
Johannes Koder - Ioannis Stouraitis


page 1

Johannes Koder - Ioannis Stouraitis

Table of Contents

page 5

Johannes Koder - Ioannis Stouraitis


page 7

Johannes Koder - Ioannis Stouraitis

Byzantine Approaches to Warfare (6th – 12th centuries). An Introduction

page 9

Walter E. Kaegi

The Heraclians and Holy War

page 17

Panagiotis Antonopoulos

Emperor Constans II’s Intervention in Italy and its Ideological Significance

page 27

Warren Treadgold

Opposition to Iconoclasm as Grounds for Civil War

page 33

Olof Heilo

The Holiness of the Warrior: Physical and Spiritual Power in the Borderland between Byzantium and Islam

page 41

Athanasios Markopoulos

The Ideology of War in the Military Harangues of Constantine VII Porphyrogennetos

page 47

Stergios Laitsos

War and Nation-building in Widukind of Corvey’s Deeds of the Saxons

page 57

Ioannis Stouraitis

Conceptions of War and Peace in Anna Comnena’s Alexiad

page 69

Evangelos Chrysos

1176 – A Byzantine Crusade?

page 81

Theodora Papadopoulou

Niketas Choniates and the Image of the Enemy after the Latin Capture of Constantinople

page 87

Efstratia Synkellou

Reflections on Byzantine War Ideology in Late Byzantium

page 99

Christos G. Makrypoulias

Civilians as Combatants in Byzantium: Ideological versus Practical Considerations

page 109

Athina Kolia-Dermitzaki

"Holy War" In Byzantium Twenty Years Later: A Question of Term Definition and Interpretation

page 121

Johannes Koder - Ioannis Stouraitis

Selected Bibliography, Index, Verzeichnis der Autoren

page 133