Electronic Publication/s

The Mongolian Collections. Retracing Hans Leder

The Mongolian Collections. Retracing Hans Leder


ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-7623-7
Subject AreaSocial Anthropology
Quality reviewrefereed - online

The Mongolian Collections. Retracing Hans Leder


page 1


page 5

Maria-Katharina Lang


page 6

Maria-Katharina Lang

The Collector and the Collections

page 9

Lhagvademchig Jadamba

Mongolian Buddhism: Identity, Practice and Politics

page 25

Olaf Czaja

Tsakli, Thangkas, Prints, Amulets and Manuscripts

page 38

Béla Kelényi

Types of Votive Plaque [tshatsha] in the Leder Collections

page 53

Béla Kelényi

A Maitreya [tshatsha] in the Leder Collections

page 56

Maria-Katharina Lang

The Tsam Figures in Leder´s Collections - A Reunion

page 58

Krisztina Teleki

The Khüree-Tsam and its Relations with the Tsam Figures of the Leder Collections

page 76

Āgnes Birtalan

Cagān Öwgön - The White Old Man in the Leder Collections. The Textual and Iconographic Tradition of the Cult of the White Old Man among the Mongols

page 84

Béla Kelényi

The Depictions of the Five Personal Protective Deities in the Leder Collections

page 95

Āgnes Birtalan

Equestrian Warrior Deities in the Leder Collections. Some Aspects of the Mongolian War God

page 99

Maria-Katharina Lang

Various Depictions of Zanabazar

page 111

Béla Kelényi

Different Types of Prayer Flag in the Leder Collections

page 114

Béla Kelényi

The Stronghold of Good Luck. A Unique Representation Connecting to the Cult of Prayer Flag

page 117

List of Contributors - References

page 121

Figures Kap. III

page 137

Figures Kap. IV

page 153

Figures Kap. V

page 158

Figures Kap. VI

page 159

Figures Kap. VIII

page 173

Figures Kap. IX

page 181

Figures Kap. X

page 185

Figures Kap. XI

page 190

Figures Kap. XII

page 195

Figures Kap. XIII

page 197