Electronic Publication/s

Wine culture in Iran and neighbouring countries

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik Nr. 75

Wine culture in Iran and neighbouring countries


ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-7653-4
Subject AreaOriental Studies
Quality reviewrefereed - online - print

Wine culture in Iran and Beyond


page 1


page 5

Bert G. Fragner - Ralph Kauz - Florian Schwarz


page 7

Patrick E. McGovern

Iranian Wine at the “Dawn of Viniculture”

page 11

Peter Kupfer

Rethinking the History of China's Grape Wine Culture

page 23

Ulf Jäger

Wine on the Northern Silk Road in Pre-Islamic Times

page 43

Max Klimburg

Viticulture in Kafiristan

page 53

Stefanie Brinkmann

Wine in Ḥadīth – from Intoxication to Sobriety

page 71

Rudi Matthee

The Ambiguities of Alcohol in Iranian History: Between Excess and Abstention

page 137

Willem Floor

The Culture of Wine Drinking in Pre-Mongol Iran

page 165

Morris Rossabi

Alcohol and the Mongols: Myth and Reality

page 221

Giorgio Rota

Some Remarks on Wine Consumption as a Political Factor under the Safavids

page 225

Florian Schwarz

Preliminary Notes on Viticulture and Winemaking in Colonial Central Asia

page 239

Bert G. Fragner

Drinking Wine in Iran under the Reign of Aryamehr

page 251

Dariush Borbor

The Influence of Wine Culture in Iranian Architecture and the Region

page 259

Mehr A. Newid

Wenn die Liebe trunken macht – Bemerkungen zum Wein in der persischen Literatur

page 277

Ahmad Karimi-Hakkak

Āb-e Ātash-Zāy (Fire Breeding Liquid)

page 311


page 331