Electronic Publication/s

(24) Symposion 2013

Akten der Gesellschaft für griechische und hellenistische Rechtsgeschichte Band 24

(24) Symposion 2013


ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-7775-3
Subject AreaJurisprudence
Quality reviewrefereed - online - print

Symposion 2013


page 1

Table of Contents

page 5

Michael Gagarin - Adriaan Lanni


page 9

Martin Dreher

Die Rechte der Götter

page 11

Philipp Scheibelreiter

Geldverwahrung bei Artemis, Sklavenverkauf an Apollo. Überlegungen zur Funktion der Einbindung von Göttern in den privatrechtlichen Verkehr: Antwort auf Martin Dreher

page 27

Laura Pepe

Abortion in Ancient Greece

page 39

Bernard Legras

Avortement et infanticide dans l’Égypte hellénistique. Transferts de droits et traditions grecques : Réponse à Laura Pepe

page 65

David D. Phillips

Hubris and the Unity of Greek Law

page 75

Adriaan Lanni

The Need for Comparative Law in the Search for Greek Legal Unity: A Response to David Phillips

page 99

Maria Youni

Councils of Elders and Aristocratic Government in the Cretan Poleis

page 103

Alberto Maffi

Il consiglio degli Anziani e le istituzioni politiche delle città cretesi: Risposta a Maria Youni

page 127

Michael Gagarin

Rhetoric as a Source of Law in Athens

page 131

S. C. Todd

Telling Stories about Athenian Law: A Response to Michael Gagarin

page 145

Werner Riess

The Athenian Legal System and its Public Aspects

page 153

Victor Bers

Spectators and Publicity in the Athenian Legal System: A Response to Werner Riess

page 173

Lorenzo Gagliardi

La legge sulla ὁμολογία e i vizi della volontà nei contratti in diritto ateniese

page 177

Robert W. Wallace

Did Athens have Consensual Contracts? A Response to Lorenzo Gagliardi

page 215

Mark J. Sundahl

Secured Credit in Athens: Reopening the Debate

page 223

Gerhard Thür

Ownership and Secured Credit in Athens: A Response to Mark J. Sundahl

page 239

Athina Dimopoulou

Ἄκυρον ἔστω: Legal Invalidity in Greek Inscriptions

page 249

Edward E. Cohen

Private Agreements Purporting to Override Polis Law: A Response to Athina Dimopoulou

page 277

Léopold Migeotte

L’aliénation de biens-fonds publics et sacrés dans les cités grecques aux périodes classique et hellénistique

page 287

Michele Faraguna

Alienation of Public and Sacred Landed Properties in Greek Cities: A Response to Léopold Migeotte

page 303

Eva Jakab

Auctions and Ownership in Ptolemaic Egypt: A Social and Economic Approach

page 313

Julie Velissaropoulos

Public Sales and Property Rights: A Response to Eva Jakab

page 339

Nadine Grotkamp

The Ptolemaic Dikasterion

page 347

Joseph Mélèze Modrzejewski

Dikasteria: A Panhellenic Project? A Response to Nadine Grotkamp

page 361

Adele Scafuro

Decrees for Foreign Judges: Judging Conventions—or Epigraphic Habits?

page 365

Eva Cantarella

“Decrees for Foreign Judges: Judging Conventions—or Epigraphic Habits?” A Response to Adele Scafuro

page 397

Bernhard Palme

Die bilinguen Prozessprotokolle und die Reform der Amtsjournale im spätantiken Ägypten

page 401

Uri Yiftach-Firanko

The Genesis of Byzantine Bilingual Reports of Proceedings: A Response to Bernhard Palme

page 429

Kaja Harter-Uibopuu

Rechtshistorische Überlegungen zu Dio Chrysostomus’ Rede an die Rhodier

page 439

Delfim F. Leão

Law in Dio Chrysostomus’ Rhodian Oration: A Response to Kaja Harter-Uibopuu

page 471

Index Locorum, Participants

page 481