Electronic Publication/s

Narratives of Encounters in the North Atlantic Triangle

Narratives of Encounters in the North Atlantic Triangle


ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-7882-8
Subject AreaLinguistics and Literature
Quality reviewrefereed - online - print


page 1

Table of Contents

page 3


page 7

Waldemar Zacharasiewicz - David Staines


page 9

Birgit Däwes

“My first business will be to make observation of things”: First Nations Navigators and North Atlantic Triangulations

page 19

Heinz Antor

When Europe Meets the North American West: Intercultural Encounters in Guy Vanderhaeghe’s The Last Crossing (2002)

page 41

Wynfrid Kriegleder

Three Very Different Narratives of America: Charles Sealsfield – Armand Strubberg – Heinrich Boernstein

page 57

Charles H. Adams

An “Opaline” Mind: The Cosmopolitan Vision of John La Farge

page 71

Carmen Birkle

Capitals of Medicine: North American Medical Women and Their Encounters with Europe (1850s-1930s)

page 85

Franz X. Lackner

Exploring Vienna between the two World Wars – Doctors of the American Medical Association and their families

page 107

Waldemar Zacharasiewicz

Inspiration at the Crossroads: North American Visitors on the Banks of the Danube in the 1920s and 1930s

page 127

Doris Corradini

Between Scholarship and Politics: Josef Redlich and the United States of America

page 145

Martin Löschnigg

An Englishman Abroad: Images of the United States and Canada in Rupert Brooke’s Letters from America

page 159

Manfred Prisching

European Social Scientists and Their Travelogues: Perceiving the American Dream

page 171

Hans Bak

French Connection Malcolm Cowley: Mediator and Critic of French Literature

page 187

Christoph Irmscher

“I Regret America”: Max Eastman Meets Sigmund Freud

page 211

Robert H. Brinkmeyer Jr.

A Region and a Nation at Risk: Lillian Hellman and European Fascism

page 235

Tim Youngs

William O. Field’s Journey to the Margins of Europe

page 245

Don Sparling

Ernest Thompson Seton: Bringing the Wilderness to Central Europe

page 259

David Staines

Mavis Gallant and Mordecai Richler: Abroad and at Home

page 275

Sherrill Grace

“Uncreative Forgetting”: Memory Discourse and the Case of Timothy Findley

page 291

Kasia Boddy

Weissnix: Lore Segal and Her First American

page 309

Peter G. Klaus

Edmond de Nevers et Marguerite Andersen: De Québec à Berlin et de Berlin au Canada. Un journaliste et écrivain québécois à Berlin à la fin du XIXe siècle et une écrivaine berlinoise à Toronto de nos jours

page 325

Jörg Türschmann

Les figures de l’absence : migration et maternité dans L’Empreinte de l’ange (1998) et Reflets dans un oeil d’homme (2012) de Nancy Huston

page 335

Fritz Peter Kirsch

À la recherche du Minotaure Les romanciers québécois devant les mystères de l’Europe centrale

page 355

Ursula Mathis-Moser

« Des illustres invisibles » À propos de la réception du Québec et de ses auteurs dans les médias imprimés germanophones (1960-2013)

page 363

Aritha van Herk

A Bridge to Trieste

page 383

List of Contributors

page 395


page 405