Electronic Publication/s

The Ottoman Conquest of the Balkans

Sitzungsberichte der philosophisch-historischen Klasse 872. Band

The Ottoman Conquest of the Balkans


ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-8036-4
Subject AreaOriental Studies
Quality reviewrefereed - online - print
Oliver Jens Schmitt


page 1

Oliver Jens Schmitt


page 5

Oliver Jens Schmitt

Introduction: The Ottoman Conquest of the Balkans. Research Questions and Interpretations

page 7

Maurus Reinkowski

Conquests Compared. The Ottoman Expansion in the Balkans and the Mashreq in an Islamicate context

page 47

Toni Filiposki

Before and After the Battle of Maritsa (1371): The Significance of the Non-Ottoman Factors in the Ottoman Conquest of the Balkans

page 65

Mariya Kiprovska

Ferocious Invasion or Smooth Incorporation? Integrating the Established Balkan Military System into the Ottoman Army

page 79

Grigor Boykov

The Human Cost of Warfare: Population Loss During the Ottoman Conquest and the Demographic History of Bulgaria in the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Era

page 103

Tijana Krstić

New Directions in the Study of Conversion to Islam in Ottoman Rumeli Between the Fourteenth and the Seventeenth Centuries: Reconsidering Methods, Theories and Terminology

page 167

Andrei Pippidi

Taking Possession of Wallachia: Facts and Interpretations

page 189

Ştefan S. Gorovei - Maria Magdalena Szekely

Old Questions, Old Clichés. New Approaches, New Results? The Case of Moldavia

page 209

Dubravko Lovrenović

The Ottoman Conquest of Bosnia in 1463 as Interpreted by Bosnian Franciscan Chroniclers and Historiographers (A Historic(Al) Event With Political and Psychological Ramifications That Are Still Present Today)

page 243

Ovidiu Christea

Venice Confronting the Ottoman Empire: A Struggle for Survival (Fourteenth–Sixteenth Centuries)

page 265

Oliver Jens Schmitt


page 281