M. Bietak, Vorwort für das HerausgebergremiumlPreface for the Editorial Board
Grabungsvorberichte/Preliminary Excavation Reports:
A. I. Forstner-Müller, C. Jeuthe, V. Michel, S. Prell, Das Areal R/III, zweiter Vorbericht
B. I. Forstner-Müller, A. Hassler, U. Matić, P. Rose, Der Hafen von Avaris - Das Areal R/IV, Erster Vorbericht
C. G.K. Kunst, K. Saliari, Vorbericht zu den Tierresten aus den Arealen Ezbet Rushdi III und IV (R/III; R/IV)
Tell el-Retaba, Polish-Slovak Mission
S. Rzepka, J. Hudec, Ł. Jarmużek, V. Dubcová, L. Hulková, M. Odler, A. Wodzińska, J. Trzciński, A. Šefčáková, P. Sójka, E. Fulajtár, M. Černý, J. Tirpák, From Hyksos Settlers to Ottoman Pipe Smokers. Tell el-Retaba 2014
A. Grȩzak, Ramesside and Third Intermediate Period Bone Remains from Tell el-Retaba
C. Malleson, Archaeobotanical Investigations at Tell el-Retaba. Ramesside Fortresses and 3rd Intermediate Period Town (Area 9), Polish-Slovak (PCMA) Mission Seasons 2010-14
A. Ahrens, The Egyptian Objects from Tell Hizzin in the Beqa'a Valley (Lebanon): An Archaeological and Historical Reassessment
R. Buongarzone, A Roman Portrait of a Young Bearded Man from Medinet Madi
R. Flammini, Building the Hyksos' Vassals: Some Thoughts on the Defnition of the Hyksos Subordination Practices
A. Gilboa, Dor and Egypt in the Early Iron Age: an Archaeological Perspective of (Part of) the Wenamun Report
R. Kletter and Y. Levy, And Death Shall Do Us No Part: Simultaneous Burials in Middle Bronze Age Southern Levant
U. Hartung, E.C. Köhler, V. Müller, M.F. Ownby, Imported Pottery from Abydos: A New Petrographic Perspective
R. Krauss, Egyptian Chronology: Ramesses II through Shoshenq III, with Analysis of the Lunar Dates of Thutmoses III
N. Ch. Math, „... Widerstand ist zwecklos - sie werden assimiliert ...“ – zum Übergang Badari – Naqada
P.A. Mountjoy and H. Mommsen, Neutron Activation Analysis of Aegean-Style IIIC Pottery from 11 Cypriot and Various Near Eastern Sites
Vera Vasiljević, How Many Porters?
540 Seiten, zahlr. Abb. im Text,
29,7x21cm, broschiert