Electronic Publication/s


Denkschriften der Gesamtakademie, Band 84 CAENL, Volume 6



ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-8470-6
Subject AreaEgyptology
Quality reviewrefereed - online - print

Tradition and Transformation in Ancient Egypt


page 1

Table of Contents

page 7

Andrea Kahlbacher - Elisa Priglinger

Introductory Remarks

page 9

Katarína Arias Kytnarová - Lucie Jirásková - Martin Odler

Old Kingdom Model and Miniature Vessels from Giza

page 15

Katarína Arias Kytnarová

Transformation in Cultic Perception. Beer Jars Versus Miniaturised Beer Jars

page 31

Johannes Auenmüller

Late Period Bronze Casting at the First Cataract. The Technological Objects from the Qubbet el-Hawa Necropolis

page 45

Keita Takenouchi

Changes in Funerary Culture and Stone Vessel Production in the Early State

page 61

Jördis Vieth

New Kingdom Temple Towns in Nubia. Transformation of an (Urban) Landscape

page 73

Nenad Marković - Mina Ilić

Between Tradition and Transformation. The Apis Cult under Cambyses II and Darius I (c. 526–486 BC)

page 87

Alice McClymont

Action, Reaction & Interaction. The Mechanics of the Amarna Period Erasure Campaign and its Impact on the Theban Necropolis

page 105

Paolo Medici

State and Social Complexity Transformation. An Interdisciplinary Analysis of Predynastic Egypt

page 123

Raúl Sánchez Casado

Changes and Development in the Title ḥm-kꜢ from the Old to the Middle Kingdom

page 137

Gaëlle Chantrain

Semantic Changes in Ancient Egyptian. Some Case Studies

page 149

Roman Gundacker

Retention or Rejection. The Fate of ‘Ältere Komposita’ at the Transition from the ‘Dreisilbengesetz’ to the ‘Zweisilbengesetz’

page 159

Ilaria Cariddi

Reinventing the Afterlife. The Curious Figure of Medjed in the Book of the Dead

page 197

Cloé Caron

Nun: a Traditional and Static Conception? The Evolution of the Conception of Primeval Matter between the Middle and the New Kingdom

page 207

Emanule Casini

The bꜢ over Time. Continuity of Concept, Discontinuity in the Figurative Art

page 215

Angelo Colonna

The Tomb of Osiris. Perception, Representation and Cultural Construction of a Sacred Space in the Egyptian Tradition

page 225

Uroš Matić

Traditionally Unharmed? Women and Children in New Kingdom Battle Scenes

page 245

Elena Panaite

The Evolution of Libyans’ Identity Markers in Egyptian Iconography. The Tjehenu Example

page 261

Inmaculada Vivas Sáinz

Breaking the ‘Rules’? Innovation in New Kingdom Painting and Relief

page 275


page 291


page 297