M. Bietak, Vorwort für das Herausgebergremium/Preface for the Editorial Board Bietak, A Farewell to Our Friend and Colleague Eugen Strouhal (24.1.1931-20.10.2016)
Grabungsvorberichte/Preliminary Excavation Reports:
A. Ashmawy Ali, Preliminary Report on the SCA Excavation at Tell el-Yahudia Season 2010-2011
V. Michel, Datierung des Tiefschnitts r/5 aus Areal R/III (Ezbet-Rushdi/Tell el-Dab`a) - Analyse der keramischen Funde
N. Nielsen, V. Gasperini, M. Mamedow, Preliminary Report on the First Season of the Tell Nabasha Project, Autumn 2015
M. Nour el-Din, L. Hulková, A. Sefcaková, H. Hudec, A. Wodzinksa, Egytian Mission Rescue Excavations in Tell el-Retaba. Part : The Second Intermediate Period Cemtetry
A. Gryzak, Second Intermediate Period and l8th Dynasty Animal Bone Remains From Tell el-Retaba
C. Malleson, Archaeobotanical Investigations at Tell el-Retaba. 2nd Intermediate Period - 18111 Dynasty Cemetery and Settlements
Ashmawy Ali, Tell Basta During the Second Intermediate Period
Bader, M. Seco A.lvarez, Results of Five Years of Pottery Analysis in the Temple of Millions of Years of Thutmosis III in Western Thebes (2011-2015)
M. Bietak, The Egyptian Community in Avaris During the Hyksos Period
I. Finkelstein, To Date or Not to Date: Radiocarbon and the Arrival of the Philistines
J.K. Hoffmeier, T.W. Davis, R. Hummel, New Archaeological Evidence for Ancient Bedouin (Shasu) on Egypt's Eastern Frontier at Tell el-Borg
L. Hudakova, Gardening at Deir el-Bersha in the Middle Kingdom: A Unique Representation of Cucurbitaceae Cultivation
C. Knoblauch, A New Group of Middle Kingdom Embalming Deposits? Another Look at Pottery Dumps and Repositories for Building Materials in Middle Kingdom Cemeteries
K. Kopetzky, M. Bietak, A Seal Impression of the Green Jasper Workshop From Tell el-Dab0a Analysis of Bubastis / Tell Basta
392 Seiten, zahlr. Abb. im Text,
29,7x21cm, broschiert