Electronic Publication/s

Interaction in the Himalayas and Central Asia

Denkschriften der philosophisch-historischen Klasse 495.Band

Interaction in the Himalayas and Central Asia


ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-8121-7
Subject AreaSocial Anthropology
Quality reviewrefereed - online - print
Eva Allinger - Frantz Grenet - Christian Jahoda - Maria-Katharina Lang - Anne Vergati

Interaction in the Himalayas and Central Asia - complete volume -


page i

Table of Contents

page v

Frantz Grenet


page vii

Christian Jahoda

Introduction: Interaction in the Himalayas and Central Asia

page 1

Élise Luneau

Transfers and Interactions between North and South in Central Asia during the Bronze Age

page 13

Lhagvasuren Erdenebold

Preliminary Excavation Findings from Shoroon Bumbagar, Ulaan Kherem, Mongolia

page 29

Oscar Nalesini

Two Enigmatic "Megalithic" Sites in Tibet

page 55

Ciro Lo Muzio

Skanda and the Mothers in Khotanese Buddhist Painting

page 71

Frantz Grenet

The Deydier Vase and Its Tibetan Connections: A Preliminary Note

page 91

David Thomas Pritzker

Allegories of Kingship: A Preliminary Study of a Western Central Asian Gold Ewer in the Royal Court of Tibet

page 105

Tianshu Zhu

The Influence from Khotan: The Standing Buddha Images in Kucha

page 127

Eva Allinger

An Early West Tibetan Manuscript from Hanle Monastery, Ladakh

page 147

Amy Heller - Charlotte Eng

Three Ancient Manuscripts from Tholing in the Tucci Collection, IsIAO, Roma, Part II: Manuscript 1329 0

page 173

Christiane Kalantari

The Art of Khorchag and Khartse in the Fabric of Western Himalayan Buddhist Art (10th-14th Centuries): Questions of Style II

page 191

Finbarr B. Flood

A Turk in the Dukhang? Comparative Perspectives on Elite Dress in Medieval Ladakh and the Caucasus

page 227

Marialaura Di Mattia

A Cultural Crossroads: Some "Foreign" Elements in the Art and Architecture of mNga' ris

page 255

Hubert Feiglstorfer

Reconstruction of the West Tibetan Temples of Khorchag: The Lhakhang Chenmo

page 275

Lewis Doney

Narrative Transformations: The Spiritual Friends of Khri Srong Ide brtsan

page 311

Quentin Devers

Charting Ancient Routes in Ladakh: An Archaeological Documentation

page 321

Marie Lecomte-Tilouine

Is There a Network of Sacred Fires Across the Himalayas and Central Asia? From Baku to Nepal, and Back

page 339

Isabelle Charleux

Circumambulating the Jowo in Mongolia: Why Erdeni Juu Should Be Understood as "Jowo Rinpoche"

page 357

Ágnes Birtalan

Between the Himalayas and Inner Asia: The Mongolian Case

page 375

Maria-Katharina Lang

Moving Artefacts: Mongolian Tsam Figures

page 385

List of Contributors

page 423