Electronic Publication/s

Biodiversity and Ecology of Fungi, Lichens, and Mosses

Biosystematics and Ecology Series 34

Biodiversity and Ecology of Fungi, Lichens, and Mosses


ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-8310-5
Subject AreaBiological Sciences
Quality reviewrefereed - online - print


page 1


page 6


page 7

Hannes Hertel

Josef POELT – on his personality and his footprints in the history of lichenology

page 1

Franz Oberwinkler

How to understand cryptogams? The development of research methods and their impact on the knowledge of cryptogams – A tribute to Josef POELT

page 101

Peter Döbbeler

Hypocrealean hyperepiphyllous ascomycetes

page 187

Josef Hafellner

Focus on lichenicolous fungi: Diversity and taxonomy under the principle “one fungus – one name”

page 227

Reinhard Berndt

The Pucciniosiraceae: Taxonomy of a polyphyletic family of the rust fungi (Uredinales)

page 245

Peter Zwetko† - Paul Blanz

Distinctiveness of aecia and aeciospores in rust fungi on conifers

page 271

Paul Blanz - Peter Zwetko†

Remarks on species concepts in European Florae of rust fungi

page 289

Dominik Begerow - Martin Kemler

Phylogeny, biogeography and host specificity of smut fungi

page 311

Chee-Jen Chen

Phylogeny of Tremella and cultiviation of T. fuciformis in Taiwan

page 331

Zhu L. Yang - Qing Cai - Yang Yang Cui

Phylogeny, diversity and morphological evolution of Amanitaceae

page 359

Franz Oberwinkler - Robert Bauer †

Ultrastructure in basidiomycetes – requirement for function

page 381

Dirk Hoffmeister

Fungal natural products – organismal diversity, seen from the (bio)chemical angle

page 419

Ingeborg Haug

Mycorrhizas in the tropical montane forest of South Ecuador

page 429

Roland Kirschner

Fungi on the leaf – a contribution towards a review of phyllosphere microbiology from the mycological perspective

page 433

Ewald Langer

Aphyllophorales: Indicators of nature value and habitat formers

page 449

Gitta Jutta Langer

Current forest pathogenic fungi in Northwest Germany

page 459

Meike Piepenbring - Hermine Lotz-Winter - Tina Antje Hofmann

Incentives and challenges for mycologists in the tropics

page 481

Andreas Bresinsky

Heading towards a survey of fungi in Bavaria – Josef POELT’s contribution to achieving substantial progress

page 515

Martin Grube

The lichen thallus as a microbial habitat

page 529

Rosemarie Honegger

Fossil lichens from the Lower Devonian and their bacterial and fungal epi- and endobionts

page 547

Volkmar Wirth - Ulf Schiefelbein - Birgit Litterski

The lichen flora of Germany - regional differences and biogeographical aspects

page 565

Peter Othmar Bilovitz - Helmut Mayrhofer

Towards a checklist of the lichens of the Alps

page 589

Walter Obermayer

A contribution to the knowledge on the lichenological exploration of the greater Tibetan region with a special focus on the impact of Austrian scientists or explorers

page 597

Pier Luigi Nimis

The “Golden Period” of Italian lichenology and its importance in modern times

page 659

Martin Nebel - Anna K. Beike

How molecular phylogenetics improve our understanding of bryophyte evolution, morphology and ecology – a tribute to the mossy side of Josef POELT

page 673


page 697