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(Abstract) (PDF)
Manuela Consonni - Federico Italiano
Primo Levi. In Memoriam. Introductory Note. page 117
doi: 10.1553/spk46_2s117
(Abstract) (PDF)
Domenico Scarpa
Historical Translatability. Primo Levi Amongst the Snares of European History 1938–1987. page 123
doi: 10.1553/spk46_2s123
(Abstract) (PDF)
Martina Mengoni
›The Drowned and the Saved‹. A Proposed Reading. page 139
doi: 10.1553/spk46_2s139
(Abstract) (PDF)
Iris Milner
A Wandering Vaudeville. Levi’s Spectacle of a Voyage Home and Initiation into Art in ›The Truce‹. page 157
doi: 10.1553/spk46_2s157
(Abstract) (PDF)
Uri S. Cohen
Primo Levi’s Love. page 171
doi: 10.1553/spk46_2s171
(Abstract) (PDF)
Camilla Miglio - Mario Barenghi
Berichte und Besprechungen page 189
doi: 10.1553/spk46_2s189
(Abstract) (PDF)