Electronic Publication/s

Gulag Miracles

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 84

Gulag Miracles


ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-8494-2
Subject AreaOriental Studies
Quality reviewrefereed - online - print

Gulag Miracles

Allen J. Frank


page 1

Allen J. Frank


page 5

Allen J. Frank


page 7

Allen J. Frank


page 9

Allen J. Frank

Chapter 1. Muslim Hagiographies and the Social History of Central Asia - Central Asian hagiographies as historical sources - Hagiographical elements in Muslim compositional genres - Regional and thematic aspects of hagiographic traditions - Kazakh hagiographies - Sources for modern Kazakh hagiographies and shrine catalogs

page 17

Allen J. Frank

Chapter 2. Sufi Communities and the Significance of Miracles - Sufi communities in Central Asia - Miracles and sacred lineages - Five Ishan lineages in Kazakhstan

page 33

Allen J. Frank

Chapter 3. Confiscation, Collectivization, and Repression - Ishans and the state to 1917 - Stalinist repression in Kazakhstan

page 61

Allen J. Frank

Chapter 4. Gulag Miracles and Sacred Relics - Gulag miracles - Relics and other sacred objects

page 85

Allen J. Frank

Chapter 5. Accommodation, Sovietization, and Islamization - Sacred lineages and the Second World War - Ishans and Soviet career paths - Saints on the collective farm: Tractor and rain miracles - Ishans and Soviet patriotism

page 103

Allen J. Frank


page 117

Allen J. Frank

Appendix: Miracles in the Gulag and Tsarist Prisons

page 119

Allen J. Frank


page 133

Allen J. Frank


page 143

Allen J. Frank


page 147