Electronic Publication/s

Transatlantic Elective Affinities

Sitzungsberichte der philosophisch-historischen Klasse 906. Band

Transatlantic Elective Affinities


ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-8518-5
Subject AreaLinguistics and Literature
Quality reviewrefereed - online - print


page 1

Table of Contents

page 5


page 7

Waldemar Zacharasiewicz ORCID - Herta Nagl-Docekal


page 9

PART I: The Medical “Grand Tour” to Europe and Nineteenth-Century Cooperation in the Spheres of Education and Natural History

page 23

Waldemar Zacharasiewicz ORCID

The Debate on Reforms in Education and Academic Institutions in Nineteenth-Century America

page 25

Carmen Birkle

The Medical Grand Tour: American Physicians In and Out of Europe

page 47

Christoph Irmscher

“In Gedanken in Amerika”: The Evolution of Franz Steindachner

page 79

PART II: Political Relations between the USA and Europe before and after World War II

page 107

Tibor Frank

The Blind Eyewitness: Joseph E. Davies, U.S. Ambassador to Moscow (1936–1938)

page 109

Philipp Gassert

One World, Or War? Politics, Science, and Popular Culture in the Transatlantic Resistance to the Cold War

page 139

PART III: Transatlantic Exchanges between Philosophy, Literature and Film Theory since the 1970s

page 165

Gertrude Postl

Continental Postmodernisms in the USA and Canada: The Mediating Role of the International Association for Philosophy and Literature (IAPL)

page 167

Stephen Burns

A Philosopher Crosses the Atlantic: Peter Winch on Philosophy and Ethics

page 205

Ludwig Nagl

Philosophy, Psychoanalysis and Melodrama: Stanley Cavell on Max Ophuls’ Screen Version of Stefan Zweig’s Short Story Brief einer Unbekannten

page 183

List of Contributors

page 219


page 223