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Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2020

Special Issue: Fertility across time and space

The 2020 volume brings together many perspectives on the past, present and future of fertility. It covers both countries with very high fertility (research on high-fertility countries in Sub-Saharan Africa by D. Shapiro and A. Hinde) and countries with “ultra-low fertility”, especially in East Asia (S. Fukuda). East Asia is also covered in a review article by Y. A. Cheng, who discusses the impact of the lasting influence of Confucian culture on extreme low fertility in the region. The journal includes contributions on historical fertility declines (work by M. Poulain et al. on Sardinia), as well as articles dealing with recent trends and research presenting fertility projections (article on the European Union by M. Potančoková and G. Marois). While many of the articles are empirically oriented, some have a strong methodological (contribution on first birth trends by R. Mogi and D. del Mundo) or theoretical focus (e.g., research on future orientation and fertility by N. Cavalli). Most of the contributions focus on fertility level, but several shed light on changes in fertility timing (e.g., work by K. Kazenin and V. Kozlov). The authors of the Debate (A. Adsera, A. Esteve et al., S. Gietel-Basten, T. Lappegård, A. Rotkirch, W. Lutz and S. Fukuda) discuss the most important factors likely to influence future fertility trends. Finally, the Data and Trends section (K. Zeman and T. Sobotka) gives a brief overview of selected Wittgenstein Centre databases on fertility across time and space.
Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2020


ISSN Online1728-5305
ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-8773-8
Subject AreaSociology and Economics
Quality reviewrefereed - online


Tomάš Sobotka

Introduction: the relevance of studying fertility across time and space

page 1

doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2020.int01


Alicia Adsera

International political economy and future fertility trends

page 27

doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2020.deb01

Albert Esteve - Diederik Boertien - Ryohei Mogi - Mariona Lozano

Moving out the parental home and partnership formation as social determinants of low fertility

page 33

doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2020.deb02

Anna Rotkirch

The wish for a child

page 49

doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2020.deb05

Review Article

Yen-hsin Alice Cheng

Ultra-low fertility in East Asia: Confucianism and its discontents

page 83

doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2020.rev01

Research Articles

David Shapiro - Andrew Hinde

Laggards in the global fertility transition

page 123

doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2020.res01

Michaela Potančokovά - Guillaume Marois

Projecting future births with fertility differentials reflecting women’s educational and migrant characteristics

page 141

doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2020.res02

Ryohei Mogi - Michael Dominic del Mundo

Decomposing changes in first birth trends: quantum, timing, or variance

page 167

doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2020.res03

Konstantin Kazenin - Vladimir Kozlov

What factors support the early age patterns of fertility in a developing country: the case of Kyrgyzstan

page 185

doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2020.res04

Michel Poulain - Dany Chambre - Pino Ledda - Anne Herm

Marital fertility decline and child mortality in the Sardinian longevity Blue Zone

page 215

doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2020.res05

Nicolo Cavalli

Future orientation and fertility: cross-national evidence using Google search

page 237

doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2020.res06

Data and Trends

Kryštof Zeman - Tomάš Sobotka

Selected Wittgenstein Centre databases on fertility across time and space

page 267

doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2020.dat01