Electronic Publication/s

Reverberations of Dharmakīrti‘s Philosophy

Beiträge zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens 104

Reverberations of Dharmakīrti‘s Philosophy


ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-8860-5
Subject AreaAsian Studies
Quality reviewrefereed - online

Reverberations of Dharmakīrti‘s Philosophy - complete editon



Birgit Kellner - Horst Lasic - Sara McClintock - Patrick McAllister


page xi

Shōryū Katsura

Opening Speech

page xvii

Account of the Fifth International Dharmakīrti Conference

Junjie Chu

1 Jitāri’s Vijñaptimātratāsiddhi

page 1

Christian Coseru

2 Consciousness and Causality: Dharmakīrti Against Physicalism

page 21

Hugo David

3 Action Theory and Scriptural Exegesis in Early Advaita-Vedānta (2): Maṇḍana Miśra’s Excursus on the Buddha’s Omniscience

page 41

Eli Franco

4 On the Determination of Causation by Dharmakīrti

page 77

Yoichi Fukuda

5 Reinterpretation of the Compound svabhāva-pratibandha in Dharmakīrti’s Logical Theory

page 91

Marie-Hélène Gorisse

6 Jain Conceptions of Non-Cognition: A Dialogue with Dharmakīrti on Inferential Evidence

page 111

Pascale Hugon

7 Universals, Demons’ Pots, and Demons’ Permanent Pots: Phya pa Chos kyi seng ge on Unestablished Subjects in Arguments by Consequence

page 129

Masahiro Inami

8 Two Kinds of Causal Capacity: sāmānyā śaktiḥ and pratiniyatā śaktiḥ

page 155

Kyo Kano

9 Jñānaśrīmitra on viparyayabādhakapramāṇa

page 177

Kei Kataoka

10 How Does One Cognize a Cow? A Dialogue between Mādhava and Dignāga

page 191

Hiroko Matsuoka

11 Śāntarakṣita on Two Kinds of Arguments for Self-Awareness: sahopalambhaniyama and saṃvedana

page 203

Patrick McAllister

12 Prajñākaragupta’s Argument for Two Means of Valid Cognition

page 221

Lawrence McCrea

13 Balancing the Scales: Dharmakīrti Inside and Out

page 251

Mai Miyo

14 The Concept of vyava√sthā in Dharmottara’s and Prajñākaragupta’s Explanation of pramāṇa and pramāṇaphala

page 267

Miyuki Nakasuka

15 Dharmakīrti’s Apoha Theory: Perceptual Judgment and the Lack of Superimposition (samāropaviveka)

page 283

Hiroshi Nemoto

16 Dharmakīrti’s Notion of Permanence and Its Impact on the Tibetan Buddhist Doctrine of Buddhahood

page 301

Hideyo Ogawa

17 Dignāga on the View of a Generic Term as Denoting a Relation

page 313

Kensho Okada

18 Communication between a Speaker and a Listener as the Seeing of a Double Moon — In Light of the Apoha Theory of Śāntarakṣita and Kamalaśīla

page 331

Motoi Ono

19 On pramāṇabhūta — The Change of Its Meaning from Dignāga to Prajñākaragupta

page 343

Cristina Pecchia

20 Dharmakīrti on the Role of Salvific Initiation and the Reception of His Critique in the Later Śaiva Tradition

page 363

Masamichi Sakai

21 Dharmottara on the viparyaye bādhakapramāṇa and trairūpya in Dharmakīrti’s sattvānumāna

page 375

Ryo Sasaki

22 Dharmakīrti’s Vādanyāya and the History of Conceptions of Debate in Indian Logic

page 391

Kiyokuni Shiga

23 The Meaning of bāhyārtha in Dignāga’s and Jinendrabuddhi’s Theories of Inference

page 411

Ernst Steinkellner

24 Closing a Gap in the Interpretation of Dharmakīrti’s Logic

page 429

John Taber

25 Philosophical Reflections on the sahopalambhaniyama Argument

page 441

Masaki Tamura

26 The Truth, the Buddha’s Words, and Inference: Bhāviveka’s Theory of Two Truths

page 463

Mingjun Tang

27 The Concept of sādhana in Chinese Buddhist Logic

page 473

Somadeva Vasudeva

28 A Causeless Liberation? Kṣemarāja’s Response to Dharmakīrti’s Critique of Initiation

page 497

Toshikazu Watanabe

29 Dharmakīrti and His Successors on āśrayāsiddha and prasaṅgaviparyaya

page 513

Kiyotaka Yoshimizu

30 Another Look at avinābhāva and niyama in Kumārila’s Exegetical Works

page 529
