Electronic Publication/s

Transmission and Tradition

Beiträge zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens 109

Transmission and Tradition


ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-9012-7
Subject AreaAsian Studies
Quality reviewrefereed - online - print
Ernst Prets ORCID

Transmission and Tradition - complete volume

doi: 10.1553/978OEAW89176


Table of Contents

Ernst Prets ORCID


page 1

Ernst Steinkellner

Harvesting in the Pramāṇasamuccayaṭīkā: Methodological and organizational remarks

page 5

Horst Lasic

Collecting treasures: Some reflections on a database of fragments of śāstric works

page 31

Ernst Prets ORCID

Fragments of Indian philosophy

page 45

Shinya Moriyama

Another look at a fragment of Aviddhakarṇa’s proof of God

page 65

Yasutaka Muroya

Aniruddha’s reference to “Mañjarīkāra” fragments and their relation to Vācaspati Miśra and Bhaṭṭa Vāgīśvara

page 81

Toshikazu Watanabe

On the development of the early Sāṅkhya theory of proof as reconstructed from Dignāga’s criticism

page 121

Kei Kataoka

Adarśanamātra and utprekṣā: A study of a Bṛhaṭṭīkā fragment

page 151

Taisei Shida

On the source of the Mīmāṃsā theory of sound (śabda) as a substance (dravya)

page 173

Hideyo Ogawa

On a bias for doxographical accounts in later commentaries on the Vākyapadīya of Bhartṛhari, with special reference to pratibhā

page 207

Christian Ferstl

Overlooked material for the study of Pāśupata Śaivism: The satirical play Mattavilāsaprahasana

page 271


page 291