Electronic Publication/s

The Social and the Religious in the Making of Tibetan Societies

Veröffentlichungen zur Sozialanthropologie 30

The Social and the Religious in the Making of Tibetan Societies


ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-9019-6
Subject AreaSocial Anthropology
Quality reviewrefereed - online
Guntram Hazod ORCID - Mathias Fermer ORCID - Christian Jahoda ORCID

The Social and the Religious in the Making of Tibetan Societies - complete volume -

doi: 10.1553/978OEAW90080


Table of Contents

Guntram Hazod ORCID - Mathias Fermer ORCID - Christian Jahoda ORCID


page 1

Joanna Bialek

‘Tibetan’ – All-inclusive? Rethinking the ‘Tibetan-ity’ of the ‘Tibetan Empire’

page 7

Guntram Hazod ORCID

The ‘Stranger-King’ and the Temple: The Tibetan Ruler Image Retained in Post-imperial Environments – the Example of the lha of Khra ’brug

page 55

Mathias Fermer ORCID

Imperial Traces of G.yo ru Gzhung

page 87

Sam Van Schaik

The Advent of the Dharma: Religion and Rationality in the Coming of Buddhism to Tibet

page 141

Christian Jahoda ORCID

The Social and the Religious in Early Post-imperial Tibet: The Case of 10th-11th-century Western Tibet and its Antecedents

page 149

Daniel Berounský

The Early Tibetan Tradition of the Dong (Ldong) People: The Nyen Collection and its Connections with the leu Ritualists of Amdo

page 189

Anna Sehnalova

Tombs and Treasures: Tibetan Empire and Ancestor Cults in Present East Tibet

page 221

Reinier J. Langelaar

Buried Bones and Buddhas Beyond: Ancestor Cults in 17th-century Khams and the Transcendentalisation of Tibetan Religion

page 283


page 309

List of Contributors

page 317