Electronic Publication/s

Interactions between Religious and Political Authority

Sitzungsberichte der philosophisch-historischen Klasse 936. Band

Interactions between Religious and Political Authority


ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-9216-9
Subject AreaLinguistics and Literature
Quality reviewrefereed - online - print
Steffen Döll ORCID - Martin Lehnert

Interactions between Religious and Political Authority - complete volume

doi: 10.1553/978OEAW92091


Table of Content


page 9


page 13

List of Figures and Tables

page 15

Part I - Interactions in Pre-Modern Societies

page 25

Christoph Kleine

1. Charisma, Authority, and Legitimation: Types and Strategies of Politico-Religious Domination in Medieval Japanese Buddhism

page 27

Mikael Bauer

2. In the Sovereign’s Presence: Fujiwara no Nakamaro and the Creation of the History of the Fujiwara House

page 65

Shi Faling - Ann Heirman - Anna Sokolova

3. Fighting Fu Yi: Daoxuan and his Defense of Buddhism in the Social and Political Context of the early Tang Period

page 93

Moritz Huber

4. Te Sabao: Foreign Ofcials of the Tang Dynasty at the Intersection Between Politics and Religion

page 125

Part II - Interactions in Modern and Contemporary Societies

page 231

Bernhard Scheid

5. Academic Authority and the Pitfalls of Politics and Religion: Meiji-Period Shintō as Mirrored in the Kume Incident of 1892

page 233

Mira Sonntag

6. Student Protests and Authority Formation in the Post-War Reformation of the United Church of Christ in Japan

page 265

Urs Matthias Zachmann

7. Constitutional and Political Problems in the Separation of State and Religion in Contemporary Japan

page 313

Ralph Weber

8. Authority in Confucian Politics of Religion: Notes on Contemporary Confucianism in the People’s Republic of China

page 337


page 363