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  • Vienna Institute of Demography (Ed.) - Roman Hoffmann - Liliana Andriano - Erich Striessnig - Tobias Rüttenauer -Marion Borderon - Kathryn Grace (Guest Eds.)

Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2024

Population and climate change

  • Vienna Yearbook of Population Research  2024 




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Climate change and population: Demographic perspectives on the 21st century’s defining challenge
Roman Hoffmann - Liliana Andriano - Erich Striessnig - Tobias Rüttenauer - Marion Borderon - Kathryn Grace


Attending to history in climate change–demography research
Emily Klancher Merchant - Kathryn Grace

Re-examining the role of population policies in climate action
Shonali Pachauri

Towards a better understanding of the role of population policies in tackling climate change
Raya Muttarak

Understanding the complex relationship between population and climate change mitigation
Nyovani J. Madise - Naa Dodua Dodoo - John A. Mushomi - Chifuniro S. Mankhwala

Demographic dynamics and rights-based population policies for effective climate change adaptation and mitigation
Angela Baschieri - Rachel Snow

Relevance of population mobility for climate change mitigation
Susana B. Adamo

Overshooting global warming and overshooting fertility decline. Beyond the smooth stabilization paradigm
Wolfgang Lutz

Research Articles

Extreme temperatures and morbidity in old age in Europe
Francesca Zanasi - Risto Conte Keivabu

Urban–rural differences in mortality during the 2010 heatwave in European Russia
Mikhail Maksimenko - Sergey Timonin - Natalia Shartova - Mikhail Varentsov

Impact of urban outdoor thermal conditions on selected hospital admissions in Novi Sad, Serbia
Daniela Arsenović - Stevan Savić - Dragan Milošević - Zorana Lužanin - Milena Kojić - Ivana Radić - Sanja Harhaji - Miodrag Arsić

Temperature- and seasonality-related infectious disease mortality among infants: A retrospective time-series study of Sweden, 1868–1892
Johan Junkka - Maria Hiltunen

Migration and erosion in tidal and river channels in Bangladesh
Katharine M. Donato - Leslie Valentine - Amanda Carrico - Carol A. Wilson - Kimberly G. Rogers - Timo Tonassi

Climate, conflict and internal migration in Colombia
Katharina Fenz - Thomas Mitterling - Jesus Crespo Cuaresma - Isabell Roitner-Fransecky

Temperatures, conflict and forced migration in West Asia and North Africa
Jasmin Abdel Ghany

Gender, climate and landowning: Sources of variability in the weather pattern change and ideal fertility relationship in Sahelian West Africa
Isabel H. McLoughlin Brooks

Projecting environmental impacts with varying population, affluence and technology using IPAT – Climate change and land use scenarios
Emma Engström - Martin Kolk

Integrated water-population interactions framework: An application to assess water security in Iran
Zahra Soltani - Mohammad Jalal Abbasi-Shavazi - Ali Bagheri



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