Subject: Sociology and Economics
ISSN: 1728-4414
ISSN Online: 1728-5305
(Online Edition without reprints)
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Editor: Tomáš Sobotka
Managing Editor: Maria Winkler-Dworak            

Emily Klancher Merchant - Kathryn Grace
Attending to history in climate change–demography research
doi: 10.1553/p-hzdz-jega
(Abstract) (PDF)

Nyovani J. Madise - Naa Dodua Dodoo - John A. Mushomi - Chifuniro S. Mankhwala
Understanding the complex relationship between population and climate change mitigation
doi: 10.1553/p-624f-7c9a
(Abstract) (PDF)

Shonali Pachauri
Re-examining the role of population policies in climate action
doi: 10.1553/p-34hn-pfcb
(Abstract) (PDF)

Susana B. Adamo
Relevance of population mobility for climate change mitigation
doi: 10.1553/p-ed4a-5n8p
(Abstract) (PDF)

Wolfgang Lutz
Overshooting global warming and overshooting fertility decline. Beyond the smooth stabilization paradigm
doi: 10.1553/p-35m2-3ce3
(Abstract) (PDF)

Johan Junkka - Maria Hiltunen
Temperature- and seasonality-related infectious disease mortality among infants: A retrospective time-series study of Sweden, 1868–1892
doi: 10.1553/p-33g4-pgab
(Abstract) (PDF)

Daniela Arsenović - Stevan Savić - Dragan Milošević - Zorana Lužanin - Milena Kojić - Ivana Radić - Sanja Harhaji - Miodrag Arsić
Impact of urban outdoor thermal conditions on selected hospital admissions in Novi Sad, Serbia
doi: 10.1553/p-m53z-m2eh
(Abstract) (PDF)

Emma Engström - Martin Kolk
Projecting environmental impacts with varying population, affluence and technology using IPAT – Climate change and land use scenarios
doi: 10.1553/p-n5en-z38a
(Abstract) (PDF)

Francesca Zanasi - Risto Conte Keivabu
Extreme temperatures and morbidity in old age in Europe
doi: 10.1553/p-8z36-6mmj
(Abstract) (PDF)

Katharina Fenz - Thomas Mitterling - Jesus Crespo Cuaresma - Isabell Roitner-Fransecky
Climate, conflict and internal migration in Colombia
doi: 10.1553/p-8kaj-g8kb
(Abstract) (PDF)

Mikhail Maksimenko - Sergey Timonin - Natalia Shartova - Mikhail Varentsov
Urban–rural differences in mortality during the 2010 heatwave in European Russia
doi: 10.1553/p-42de-zc5p
(Abstract) (PDF)

Isabel H. McLoughlin Brooks
Gender, climate and landowning: Sources of variability in the weather pattern change and ideal fertility relationship in Sahelian West Africa
doi: 10.1553/p-pfaj-9kzm
(Abstract) (PDF)

Jasmin Abdel Ghany
Temperatures, conflict and forced migration in West Asia and North Africa
doi: 10.1553/p-4mep-8zge
(Abstract) (PDF)

Katharine M. Donato - Leslie Valentine - Amanda Carrico - Carol A. Wilson - Kimberly G. Rogers - Timo Tonassi
Migration and erosion in tidal and river channels in Bangladesh
doi: 10.1553/p-d9pb-h22j
(Abstract) (PDF)