Carnuntum Jahrbuch 2018, pp. 121-167, 2019/12/02
Zeitschrift für Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte des Donauraumes
Iron Roman military long-range weapons from the Carnuntum area, housed in Lower Austria’s museum collection, belong to some of the most important finds of Roman provincial archaeology. Nevertheless, until now, these so-called “old finds” have not been exten- sively studied or published. This article examines a variety of 270 weapons, which are first classified in typological groups and then ordered according to individual findspots. Dating the most significant arte- facts is done with the aid of comparanda or similar finds from other Roman archaeological excavations, and some finds include non-Roman manufacture, or medieval dating. As a key part of the interpretation, this article examines the circumstances of the weap- ons’ deposition.