Carnuntum Jahrbuch 2019, pp. 81-138, 2020/10/13
Zeitschrift für Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte des Donauraumes
The present contribution deals with amphorae that were imported to Carnuntum, addressing not only typological diversity but also the areas of origin, changes in the market and consumer behaviour in the various regions of Carnuntum. The starting point is objects from the collections owned by the local prov- ince and from the excavations conducted over the last 15 years. There are marked differences in consump- tion between the military and civilian spheres, and previously unknown forms such as the Kingsholm 117, the Dressel 30 and the Dressel 23 also enable conclu- sions to be drawn about the duration and nature of trade, as well as on the range of foodstuffs available.