Symposion 2019, pp. 367-402, 2021/12/15
Vorträge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte (Hamburg, 26.‒28. August 2019)
The diatheke of Epicrates is a complex document that brings togetherseveral legal transactions in one document serving as the basis for entitlements aswell as for indicating potential misconduct and its sanctions. Like other documents,the deed cannot simply be pressed into one legal category but bears witness to thediversity of forms in Hellenistic and Roman Greece. Its aim is clear: maintenanceand use of the heroon of Diophantos and of the family tomb of Tertia and Secundus,provision for Laevilla and Cestia beyond the death of Epicrates, inalienability of atleast certain parts of Epicrates’ lands. This way the everlasting commemoration isguaranteed for him and his family.
Keywords: donatio sub modo, testament, funerary regulations, commemoration, sanctions