Wiener Studien 135/2022, pp. 119-140, 2022/07/29
Zeitschrift für Klassische Philologie, Patristik und lateinische Tradition
This paper establishes the textual relationship between two of the earliest manuscriptsof Augustine’s De civitate Dei: the most ancient extant witness of the work, Verona, B. Cap.,XXVIII (26), 5th century, and the Carolingian Verona, B. Cap., XXIX (27), 9th century. It examinestheir codicological relation and deals with the relationship of their paratexts (the tabulaecapitulorum and the marginalia). It also analyses the possible Veronese provenance of two otherwitnesses, namely: Paris, BnF, lat. 12214 + St. Petersburg, RNB, Q.v.I.4 and the palimpsestBologna, Archivio della Fabbriceria di San Petronio, cart. 716/1, no. 1, in order to offer anoverview of the fortune of De civitate Dei in Verona from late Antiquity to the Carolingianperiod. Lastly, it provides a transcription of an unpublished oratio, added on f. 252v ofmanuscript XXVIII, which has been linked with the Bishop Ratherius of Verona (ca. 887–974).