Wiener Studien 135/2022, pp. 173-190, 2022/07/29
Zeitschrift für Klassische Philologie, Patristik und lateinische Tradition
The present article informs about some newly discovered manuscript fragments atthe Österreichische Nationalbibliothek in Vienna, which originally come from the same bookas Berlin, SPBK fragm. 47 and Wien, ÖNB ser. n. 3754. The book in question was written atMondsee in the first quarter of the 9th century. It contained an interesting collection of earlymedieval texts pertaining to the exegesis of the Gospels, among which figure the so-calledExpositio IV evangeliorum (in all three recensions known to us), the Pseudo-AugustinianSermo de decem talentis, and the Expositiunculae in evangelium Iohannis evangelistae Matthaeiet Lucae formerly (and wrongly) attributed to one “Arnobius Iunior”. The new fragments aresuccinctly described, their contents – especially the text of the Expositiunculae – is brieflydiscussed. An appendix is dedicated to Berlin, SPBK fragm. 47, fol. 3 which contains theremnants of four short texts (among which a version of the so-called “Alphabet of Words”) thathave never been discussed so far.