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Will highly educated women have more children in the future? Looking at reproductive plans and outcomes

    Maria Rita Testa

Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2017, pp. 033-40, 2018/06/18

Special issue on Education and fertility in low-fertility settings

doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2017s033

doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2017s033




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Introduction: education and fertility in low-fertility settings
Tomáš Sobotka - Éva Beaujouan - Jan Van Bavel

Demographic Debate

Will highly educated women have more children in the future?
Alícia Adserà

Education empowers women to reach their personal fertility target, regardless of what the target is
Wolfgang Lutz

Will highly educated women have more children in the future?
Maria Rita Testa

What do men want? The growing importance of men’s characteristics for fertility
Jan Van Bavel

Will highly educated women have more children in the future? In Southern Europe, it will largely depend on labour market conditions
Diego Ramiro-Fariñas - Francisco J. Viciana-Fernández - Víctor Montañés Cobo

Education, Gender Revolution, and Fertility Recovery
Gøsta Esping-Andersen

Review Article

Education and fertility in the context of rising inequality
Alícia Adserà

Refereed Articles

Cross-national differences in the association between educational attainment and completed fertility. Do welfare regimes matter?
Eva-Maria Merz - Aart C. Liefbroer

The role of values and of socioeconomic status in the education-fertility link among men and women
Martin Lakomý

Pathways to marital and non-marital first birth: the role of his and her education
Alessandra Trimarchi - Jan Van Bavel

Differences in partnership and marital status at first birth by women’s and their partners’ education: evidence from Britain 1991–2012
Nitzan Peri-Rotem - Jacqueline Scott

Do different educational pairings lead to different fertility outcomes? A cohort perspective for the Greek case
Christos Bagavos

Educational field and fertility in western Germany: an analysis of women born between 1955 and 1959
Anja Oppermann

Fertility and education among British Asian women: a success story of social mobility?
Sylvie Dubuc

The educational gradient of fertility intentions: a meta-analysis of European studies
Maria Rita Testa - Fabian Stephany