Carnuntum Jahrbuch 2023, pp. 37-41, 2024/12/18
Zeitschrift für Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte des Donauraumes
The western segment of the Danube Limes in Bavaria, Austria and Slovakia has been a World Heritage Site since 2021 and is therefore part of the »Frontiers of the Roman Empire« World Heritage Cluster. The inscription on the World Heritage List commits Austria to preserve the Danube Limes for future generations in accordance with the World Heritage Convention. The national management of the World Heritage Site is the responsibility of the »Forum Donaulimes«, an association founded specifically for this purpose and financed by the federal and state governments. The main task of World Heritage management is monitoring, i.e. the regular checking of all components with regard to conservation on the one hand, but also with regard to the potential negative impacts of external
actions or influences on the other. The Forum
Donaulimes« is also responsible for interpretation and, where possible, research. For all these activities, it relies on the cooperation of various institutions, like
museums, and stakeholders and thus also acts as a mediator between the different parties.