The Vienna Yearbook of Population Research, established in 2003, is an open access journal that features contributions addressing population trends as well as a broad range of theoretical and methodological issues in population research. While based in Austria, the Vienna Yearbook of Population Research aims to give a global coverage of population issues and attract high-quality contributions from authors from different regions and backgrounds.
The journal welcomes submissions that fall into the following categories:
original peer-reviewed articles presenting new research;
peer-reviewed contributions providing a broader overview of a selected topic, with a focus on summarising existing research, main arguments and discussions, identifying research gaps and outlining future research agenda;
peer-reviewed analytical or descriptive articles that focus primarily on empirical analyses or present databases and data infrastructures;
peer-reviewed short contributions and essays focusing on ideas, concepts or theories, either discussing existing research or proposing new frameworks and interpretations;
comments, reflections, updates and critique on the past contributions published in the journal. These can either be brief and focused (Letters) or broader-based and more elaborate (Commentaries) spontaneous contributions, which will be assessed by the journal editors. If accepted, they will be published online and linked to the article they discuss. The authors of the discussed articles may be invited to respond.
The journal also publishes Debates – invited short contributions and reflections on selected questions and issues.