Guest editors:
Éva Beaujouan, Marie-Caroline Compans, Alice Goisis, and Jasmin Passet-Wittig
We invite contributions on the following themes:
This special issue invites original unpublished contributions (empirical or theoretical) on the topic of delayed reproduction. We welcome different types of submissions including Research articles, Review articles, Perspectives and shorter Data & Trends contributions.
Manuscript submission (full papers only) is now open. All submissions will be subject to external double-blind peer review.
Submit your manuscript until 31 May 2025
The Vienna Yearbook of Population Research is a platinum open- access journal addressing population trends as well as a broad range of theoretical and methodological issues in population research. Article submission, processing, and publication are free of charge. The journal is circulated in print and online with all articles freely available for download on the journal website.
You can find detailed information on the submission on the VYPR website in the Author Guidelines. For any further information, please contact the managing editor Maria Winkler-Dworak, .