In order to comply with Plan S ( and the Berlin Declaration on Open Access (, the editors of the Vienna Yearbook of Population Research decided to change the copyright and licensing terms by 20 May 2020 to Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0) licence (or a CC-BY-ND licence if explicitly requested and justified by the authors). For each article published from 20 May 2020, the prevailing licence can be found in the PDF at the end of the manuscript.
For work published before 20 May 2020, please to contact the editorial office of the Vienna Yearbook of Population Research for permission.
The Author guarantees that the submitted paper and all supplementary materials (hereinafter called Contribution) is an original work that has been written by the stated authors, has not been published before, has not been and will not be submitted for review to another journal while under review by the Vienna Yearbook of Population Research and that the Contribution does not infringe on any copyright, trademark, patent, statutory rights or proprietary rights of others; and that he/she will indemnify the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, hereafter called OEAW) against any costs, expenses or damages for which it may become liable as a result of any breach of this warranty.
The Author retains copyright regarding the Contribution above, but agrees to indicate that the Contribution was first published in the Vienna Yearbook of Population Research and to give a bibliographic reference to the publication in any new reprint. The Author irrevocably grants the following non-exclusive rights to OEAW in perpetuity: the right to print, publish, distribute, grant licenses and sell throughout the world said Contribution and parts thereof in all forms and media of expression – such as in its electronic form (offline, online) – now known or developed in the future, as well as to translate, print, publish, distribute, grant licenses and sell the Contribution in any foreign languages and throughout the world, and to store it in databases of any kind. In addition, OEAW is entitled to edit or modify the Contribution in any way, OEAW shall not edit, translate or modify the work in such a way that the intellectual interests of the Author are seriously impaired.
The Contribution is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0) that allows the sharing, use and adaptation of the Contribution in any medium or format provided that the user gives appropriate credit, provides a link to the license, indicates if changes were made, but not in a way that suggests that the use made of the work is endorsed by the Author or the OEAW. If requested and justified by the Author, the Contribution may be published under the terms of the CC BY-ND licence that allows to share, copy and redistribute the Contribution in any medium or format, provided that the user gives appropriate credit, provides a link to the license, but not in a way that suggests that the use made of the work is endorsed by the Author or the OEAW.* OEAW shall not assume any liability for such sharing, use or adaptations by third parties.
This agreement shall be deemed to be made under, and shall be interpreted in accordance with, the laws of the Republic of Austria.
The Author signs for and accepts responsibilities for releasing this material on behalf of any and all Co Authors.
*Full details of the licenses are available at
The Author guarantees that the submitted paper and all supplementary materials (hereinafter called Contribution) is an original work that has been written by the stated authors, has not been published before, has not been and will not be submitted for review to another journal while under review by the Vienna Yearbook of Population Research and that the Contribution does not infringe on any copyright, trademark, patent, statutory rights or proprietary rights of others; and that he/she will indemnify the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, hereafter called OEAW) against any costs, expenses or damages for which it may become liable as a result of any breach of this warranty.
The Author retains copyright regarding the Contribution above, but agrees to indicate that the Contribution was first published in the Vienna Yearbook of Population Research and to give a bibliographic reference to the publication in any new reprint. The Author irrevocably grants the following non-exclusive rights to OEAW in perpetuity: the right to print, publish, distribute, grant licenses and sell throughout the world said Contribution and parts thereof in all forms and media of expression – such as in its electronic form (offline, online) – now known or developed in the future, as well as to translate, print, publish, distribute, grant licenses and sell the Contribution in any foreign languages and throughout the world, and to store it in databases of any kind. In addition, OEAW is entitled to edit or modify the Contribution in any way, OEAW shall not edit, translate or modify the work in such a way that the intellectual interests of the Author are seriously impaired.
The Contribution is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0) that allows the sharing, use and adaptation of the Contribution in any medium or format provided that the user gives appropriate credit, provides a link to the license, indicates if changes were made, but not in a way that suggests that the use made of the work is endorsed by the Author or the OEAW. If requested and justified by the Author, the Contribution may be published under the terms of the CC BY-ND licence that allows to share, copy and redistribute the Contribution in any medium or format, provided that the user gives appropriate credit, provides a link to the license, but not in a way that suggests that the use made of the work is endorsed by the Author or the OEAW.* OEAW shall not assume any liability for such sharing, use or adaptations by third parties.
The Author receives one free copy of the first edition of the Journal, in which his Contribution is printed and is entitled to purchase further copies for personal use (directly from the publishing house of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, ) at a discount of 35% off the list price.
This agreement shall be deemed to be made under, and shall be interpreted in accordance with, the laws of the Republic of Austria.
The Author signs for and accepts responsibilities for releasing this material on behalf of any and all Co Authors.
*Full details of the licenses are available at
The Author guarantees that the submitted paper (hereinafter called Contribution) is an original work that has not been published before and that it does not infringe on any copyright, trademark, patent, statutory rights or proprietary rights of others; and that he/she will indemnify the Austrian Academy of Sciences (“Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften,” (hereafter called OEAW) against any costs, expenses or damages for which it may become liable as a result of any breach of this warranty.
The Author hereby transfers all usage rights regarding the Contribution identified above to OEAW. This transfer of rights covers the exclusive right to print, publish, distribute and sell throughout the world said Contribution and parts thereof, including all revisions or versions and future editions, in all forms and media of expression – such as in its electronic form (offline, online) – now known or developed in the future, as well as to translate, print, publish, distribute and sell the Contribution in any foreign languages and throughout the world, and to store it in databases of any kind.
The authors may share print or electronic copies of their article with colleagues and other interested persons as well as for educational or research purposes. They may also provide a link to the electronic version of the article at their personal website and/or their employer’s website or repository (the link should provide a reference to the Vienna Yearbook of Population Research).
The Author receives one free copy of the first edition of the Journal, in which his Contribution is printed and is entitled to purchase further copies for personal use (directly from the publishing house of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, ) at a discount of 35% off the list price.
This agreement shall be deemed to be made under, and shall be interpreted in accordance with, the laws of the Republic of Austria.
The Author signs for and accepts responsibilities for releasing this material on behalf of any and all Co Authors.