Electronic Publication/s

EUROMAB AUSTRIA 2005 Meeting of the Euromab Biosphere Reserve Coordinators and Managers

EUROMAB AUSTRIA 2005 Meeting of the Euromab Biosphere Reserve Coordinators and Managers


ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-3715-3
Subject AreaBiological Sciences
Quality reviewapprobated - online
Doris Pokorny

IV. 1. Measuring Success in Implementing the Biosphere Reserve Concept

page 25

doi: 10.1553/euromab_austria2005s25

Petr Cupa

IV. 2. How Biosphere Reserve Coordinators accomodate multiple Designations (i.e. Biosphere Reserves which inlcude World Heritage Sites, Ramsar Wetlands, Natura 2000 Site, etc.)

page 40

doi: 10.1553/euromab_austria2005s40

Andris Urtans

IV. 3. Participation and Public Relations in Biosphere Reserves

page 56

doi: 10.1553/euromab_austria2005s56

Richard Murzin

IV. 4. Biosphere Reserves as "Learning Sites" for Education for sustainable Development

page 75

doi: 10.1553/euromab_austria2005s75

Zbigniew Niewiadomski

IV. 5. Financing and Quality Economies in Biosphere Reserves

page 92

doi: 10.1553/euromab_austria2005s92

Alois Herzig

IV. 6. Turning "old" Biosphere Reserves into New Generation Biosphere Reserves (with special Attention to "old" Biosphere Reserves important for long term Research)

page 105

doi: 10.1553/euromab_austria2005s105

Sigrid Hockamp-Mack

IV. 7. Partnership and Networking of Biosphere Reserves (establishing official Working Groups dedicated to coordinating Partnerships between German Biosphere Reserves and International Biosphere Reserves)

page 121

doi: 10.1553/euromab_austria2005s121

Michael Jungmeier

IV. 8. IPAM: Tools for Integrative Protected Area Management

page 122

doi: 10.1553/euromab_austria2005s122

Günther Loiskandl

IV. 9. Presentation of the Wienerwald Biosphere Reserve

page 132

doi: 10.1553/euromab_austria2005s132

I. Executive Summary of Results and Follow Up

page 9

doi: 10.1553/euromab_austria2005s9

II. Welcome

page 11

doi: 10.1553/euromab_austria2005s11

III. Introduction

page 13

doi: 10.1553/euromab_austria2005s13

V. Informal Thematic Side Meetings

page 143

doi: 10.1553/euromab_austria2005s143

VI. Annex I

page 150

doi: 10.1553/euromab_austria2005s150

VII. AnnexII

page 162

doi: 10.1553/euromab_austria2005s162