Terms and conditions of use
1. Areas to which these terms apply
The following regulations shall apply to all articles, books, files, and data bases held by the Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (the Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, hereinafter "Press") at the Web address https://hw.oeaw.ac.at and its subdomains https://www.austriaca.at, https://www.musiklexikon.ac.at.
2. Access
The services provided by the Press may normally be used 24 hours per day. A user of the Press's online services may access https://www.musiklexikon.ac.at or https://www.austriaca.at from the time the Press activates his/her access. The user's identity will be subject to regular authentication by means of a user ID and password. Unless otherwise provided for, access is granted in the form of a private single user licence exclusively for personal use.
The dissemination of access data to third parties shall not be permissible. In the event of a breach of the aforesaid regulation the Press shall be entitled to terminate the user's access rights with immediate effect. The user receives a password and a username. The user may change the password at any time. The publication of access data shall not be permissible.
The user declares that his/her computer shall be used exclusively for private and not for commercial purposes, and that the computer may only be accessed at his/her private domicile. The Press may deny access for technical, organizational and other reasons; access may also be withdrawn for special reasons.
The Press reserves the right to temporarily suspend online services for the purposes of maintenance work, technical changes or for similar reasons.
3. Prices
The fees listed under the section "Services and Prices" shall apply. These fees are inclusive of 20% VAT (Austria). Payment may be made by credit card or by means of a pro forma invoice obtainable from the Press. Once payment has been made, the Press shall enable access for the user.
In the event of problems with payments or should the customer or the bank responsible for transferring the sum be in delay of payment, the Press reserves the right to suspend the user's access.
4. Term of the agreement
The user may access the Press's service for a period of 12 months. On expiry of the term the user's right to access shall terminate automatically. The agreement shall not be renewed automatically..
5. User rights
The contents of all Press services are protected by copyright by the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Unless otherwise provided for, the contents of the aforesaid services may only be used for private use. User rights shall not be transferable.
The user may search and read the content provided by the Press. The user may print documents for private purposes (archiving). The user shall undertake to use the contents of the aforesaid contents exclusively in the way described.
Specifically, the following shall not be permissible:
Mirroring data to servers without the prior agreement of the Austrian Academy of Sciences Press (AASP), reproducing content, in particular for commercial purposes, enabling third parties to reproduce content, making the content accessible via the Internet, making the content accessible for purposes of receiving payment, publishing content without the prior agreement of the AASP, the technical conversion or processing of the files, changing the content of the files.
6. The Press's liability
The Austrian Academy of Sciences has compiled the scientific content of its services to the best of its knowledge and belief. It does not however guarantee, either expressly or by implication, the nature or accuracy of the contents, and shall not accept any liability in respect of the material or the use thereof, in particular with regard to its impact on other programs and data installations etc.
In the event of an outage of the online service for which the Press is not responsible, such as for example a circuit outage etc, the user shall have no right of claim against the Press for whatsoever legal reason.
Complaints relating to technical access must be reported to the Press without delay.
7. User's responsibilities
The user shall take appropriate measures to ensure that the use of the contents provided by the service complies with this agreement and to put technical measures in place to secure single-user access only.
The user shall notify the Press of any occurrences that arise, in particular any change of the e-mail owner etc.
8. Withdrawal
Withdrawal from the purchase shall be possible within 7 working days of the date the order for access is placed.
9. Place of jurisdiction
The provisions of Austrian Copyright Law shall apply. Place of jurisdiction: Vienna. Contract language: German.
10. Storage of the order data
A computer record of the order data will be made by the Austrian Academy of Sciences Press and may be passed on to other sections of the Austrian Academy of Sciences for commercial purposes and shall be subject to the Republic of Austria's and/or the European Union's registration obligations. No specific notification of storage or transmission of the data shall be issued.
11. Termination
In the event of a serious breach of contract by one of the contracting parties the respective other party shall be entitled to terminate the Agreement prematurely. Notification of termination must be issued in writing.
12. In the event that one of the above provisions should become invalid either in whole or in part, this shall not invalidate the remaining provisions.
Subject to change. Errors excepted.
The Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2, A-1010 Wien, Austria
Tel. 0043-1-51581 3415, Fax 0043-1-51581-3400, e-mail: verlag@oeaw.ac.at, WWW: https://verlag.oeaw.ac.at, ATU 1625 1605, DVR 0096385, FN: 71.839x, Commercial Court of Vienna (Handelsgericht Wien), ARA 8441, credit cards: VISA, MASTER, DINERS, bank accounts: BankAustria-Creditanstalt-Bankverein (Sort code 11000) A/c no. 0062-28001/00, Business hours: Mon-Thurs 9.00 -16.00 hrs CET, Fri 9.00 -14.00 hrs CET