Electronic Publication/s

Views from Tibet

Sitzungsberichte der philosophisch-historischen Klasse 922. Band

Views from Tibet


ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-9293-0
Subject AreaLinguistics and Literature
Quality reviewrefereed - online - print
Tom J.F. Tillemans

Views from Tibet - complete version

doi: https://doi.org/10.1553/978OEAW88834


Tom J.F. Tillemans

Dedicated to the memory of Jacques May (1927-2018), teacher and friend

Table of Contents

Tom J.F. Tillemans

A Practical Guide to the Pronunciation of Standard Tibetan

Tom J.F. Tillemans


page 1

Tom J.F. Tillemans

I. The Reception of Indian Logic in Tibet

page 37

Tom J.F. Tillemans

II. Indigenous Tibetan Logic: Collected Topics and the Logic of Consequences

page 83

Tom J.F. Tillemans

III. Two Tibetan Texts on the “Neither One nor Many” Argument for śūnyatā

page 141

Tom J.F. Tillemans

IV. Le dBu ma’i byung tshul de Śākya mchog ldan

page 175

Tom J.F. Tillemans

V. Tsong kha pa et al. on the Bhāviveka-Candrakīrti Debate

page 203

Tom J.F. Tillemans

VI. Mādhyamikas Playing Bad Hands: The Case of Customary Truth

page 223

Tom J.F. Tillemans

VII. A Comparative Philosophy Excursus: Deflating the Two Images and the Two Truths

page 235

Tom J.F. Tillemans

VIII. On bdag, gzhan, and the Supposed Active-passive Neutrality of Tibetan Verbs

page 261

Tom J.F. Tillemans

IX. Transitivity, Intransitivity, and tha dad pa Verbs in Traditional Tibetan Grammar

page 279

Tom J.F. Tillemans

X. gSer tog Blo bzang tshul khrims rgya mtsho on Tibetan Verb Tenses

page 291

Tom J.F. Tillemans

XI. On the Assimilation of Indic Grammatical Literature into Indigenous Tibetan Scholarship

page 301

Tom J.F. Tillemans

XII. The Chapter on bdag, gzhan, and bya byed las gsum from the Commentary of gSer tog Blo bzang tshul khrims rgya mtsho on the Sum cu pa and rTags kyi ‘jug pa

page 325

References and Abbreviations

page 383


page 417