Electronic Publication/s

(27) Symposion 2017

Akten der Gesellschaft für griechische und hellenistische Rechtsgeschichte Band 27

(27) Symposion 2017


ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-8468-3
Subject AreaJurisprudence
Quality reviewrefereed - online - print

Symposion 2017


page I


page VI


page VII


page XIII

Julie Vélissaropoulos-Karakostas

Joseph Mélèze Modrzejewski (1930–2017)

page XV

Patrick Sänger

Die soziokulturelle Stellung des ägyptischen Diasporajudentums im Hellenismus nach Joseph Mélèze Modrzejewski

page 3

Uri Yiftach

Dikai in the chôra: Another Perspective of Mélèze-Modrzejewski’s Politikoi Nomoi

page 17

Chris Rodriguez

L’apport de l’approche juridique pour l’étude des Acta Alexandrinorum : l’exemple des Acta Pauli et Antonini

page 31

Patrick Sänger

Die Facetten der “puissance du droit”: Antwort auf Chris Rodriguez

page 57

Mirko Canevaro

Athenian Constitutionalism: nomothesia and the graphe nomon me epitedeion theinai

page 65

Gerhard Thür

Gedanken zur Normenkontrolle in Athen: Antwort auf Mirko Canevaro

page 99

Laura Pepe

Athenian ‘Interpreters’ and the Law

page 105

Adele C. Scafuro

Eumolpid Exegesis in Andocides 1 and Lysias 6: Response to Laura Pepe

page 129

Maria S. Youni

Outlawry in Classical Athens: Nothing to Do with atimia

page 137

Alberto Maffi

Outlawry and atimia: Response to Maria Youni

page 157

Michael Gagarin

Challenges in Athenian Law: Going Beyond Oaths and basanos to Proposals

page 165

Gerhard Thür

Formal Proposals in Athenian Law: Response to Michael Gagarin

page 179

Adriaan Lanni

The Role of the Complaint (graphe / enklema) in the Athenian Legal System

page 185

Robert W. Wallace

Legal Complaints, Relevance in Court Speeches, and Community Welfare: Response to Adriaan Lanni

page 203

Philipp Scheibelreiter

Nomos, enklema und factum

page 211

Anna Magnetto

Nomos, enklema e factum: risposta a Philipp Scheibelreiter

page 251

Bernhard Palme

Libellprozess und Subskriptionsverfahren

page 257

José Luis Alonso

The Origins of the So-called Libellary Procedure — a Hypothesis: Response to Bernhard Palme

page 277

Martin Dreher

Rechtliche Elemente in den antiken Fluchtafeln

page 289

Lene Rubinstein

Team-speaking and Complex Litigation in Athenian Judicial defixiones: Response to Martin Dreher

page 313

Thomas Kruse

Zur Euergesia Hadrians über die Verpachtung des Staatslandes in Ägypten

page 321

Uri Yiftach

The Carrot and the Stick – Provincial Agrarian Policies in the Light of P.Col. inv. 116b recto: Response to Thomas Kruse

page 333

Sara Forsdyke

Slave Agency and Citizenship in Classical Athens

page 345

Edward E. Cohen

Slaves Telling Tales at Athens: Response to Sara Forsdyke

page 367

Rachel Zelnick-Abramovitz

The Status of Slaves Manumitted Under paramonē: A Reappraisal

page 377

S. C. Todd

Slave Manumission and Paramonē – Some Remaining Problems? Response to Sara Forsdyke

page 403

Athina Dimopoulou

The Characters of Theophrastus: Reflections of Legal Practice in Every Day Life

page 413

Eva Cantarella

Nature and Function of Theophrastus’ Characters: Response to Athina Dimopoulou

page 437

Delfim F. Leão

Plutarch on Demetrius of Phalerum: the Intellectual, the Legislator and the Expatriate

page 441

Michele Faraguna

Demetrius of Phalerum and Late Fourth-Century Athenian Society: Response to Delfim Leão

page 459

Index locorum

page 471