Communications in Asteroseismology 144, pp. 35-40, 2007/07/20
June, 2004
W. Zima - K. Kolenberg - M. Briquet - M. Breger, Moment Method & Pixel-by-Pixel Method: Complementary Mode Identification I. Testing FG Vir-like pulsation modes; P. Van Cauteren - P. Lampens - A. Pigulski, Note on the short-period variability of V521 Cas in NGC 7789; K. D. Gazeas, P. G. Niarchos, K. A. Boutsia, SZ Lyn: New BVRI CCD observations and improved pulsational and orbital elements; A. Thoul - R. Scuflaire - M. Ausseloos - C. Aerts - A. Noels, Asteroseismology of the Beta Cephei star HD 129929. Effects of a change in the metal mixture; P. Lenz, Period04 - A successor to Period98 to be completed this year; J. Nendwich - U. Heiter - F. Kupka - N. Nesvacil - W. W. Weiss, Interpolation of Stellar Model Grids and Application to the NEMO Grid