Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2012
Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
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Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2012
ISSN 1728-4414
Print Edition ISSN 1728-5305 Online Edition ISBN 978-3-7001-7373-1 Print Edition ISBN 978-3-7001-7354-0 Online Edition
Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2012 2012, 154 Seiten, 24x17cm, broschiert € 40,–
Valeria Bordone,
Daniela Weber
S. 95 - 126 doi:10.1553/populationyearbook2012s95 Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Abstract: The investigation on cognition has identified structural characteristics of thesocial network as important components to contrast cognitive ageing. Using datafrom the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, we examine theassociation between number of children and cognitive functioning in later life,considering the performance in three cognitive tests (fluency, immediate recalland delayed recall). The analyses focus on respondents aged 60+, not in thelabour market, accounting for their proximity and frequency of contact tochildren. We find a positive association between cognitive functioning and havingchildren: childless men and women name a lower number of items in one test, theso-called “fluency test”. However, parents of two children show higher abilitiesthan parents of a single child and heads of large families. Our findings alsoindicate that more contacts with children are associated with higher fluency.Interestingly, the relationship with the child(ren) is not significantly related tocognitive performance in the two tests of recall abilities, where educationalattainment and the presence of a spouse or partner show to be more relevant.Studying both men and women allows us to consider both biological mechanismsand social relationships linking parity and cognitive functioning in later life. Published Online: 2013/01/16 11:08:17 Object Identifier: 0xc1aa5572 0x002d68a3 Rights: .
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