Birgitta Eder – Michaela Zavadil (eds.)

(Social) Place and Space in
Early Mycenaean Greece

International Discussions in Mycenaean Archaeology
October 5–8, 2016, Athens

ISBN 978-3-7001-8854-4
Print Edition
ISBN 978-3-7001-8934-3
Online Edition
Denkschriften der phil.-hist. Klasse 528 
Mykenische Studien  35 
2021,  626 Seiten 29,7x21cm, gebunden
€  249,–   
Open access

Birgitta Eder
is head of the Austrian Archaeological Institute, Athens Branch, at the Austrian Academy of Sciences

Michaela Zavadil
is research associate at the Institute of Oriental and European Archaeology at the Austrian Academy of Sciences

Die mykenische Kultur Griechenlands (ca. 1700–Mitte des 11. Jahrhunderts v. Chr.) hat ein herausragendes materielles Erbe in Form von Gebäuden und Artefakten hinterlassen. Lange konzentrierte sich ihre Erforschung auf Paläste und Grabmonumente. In den letzten Jahren hat sich dies jedoch erheblich geändert, was ein besseres Verständnis der Entstehung der mykenischen Kultur im 17. bis 15. Jahrhundert v. Chr. ermöglicht. Die Beiträge in diesem Band liefern neue Informationen, entweder Erkenntnisse aus neueren Feldforschungen, oder solche, die auf der neuerlichen Analyse zentraler Fundgruppen basieren bzw. umfassende vergleichende Studien darstellen, die durch die Untersuchung von Siedlungen und Gräbern neue Perspektiven auf die Entstehung einer neuen Gesellschaftsordnung eröffnen.

The Mycenaean culture of Greece (ca. 1700–mid-11th century BC) has left an outstanding material legacy in terms of buildings and artefacts. For a long time, its exploration has focused on palaces and funerary monuments. However, in recent years the state of research has changed significantly, opening up new perspectives for a broader understanding of the emergence of Mycenaean culture in the 17th to 15th centuries B.C. The contributions in this volume provide new information, either insights from recent fieldwork, the fresh analysis of key assemblages, or more comprehensive comparative studies that, by examining settlements and tombs alike, open up new perspectives on the emergence of a new social order.

Printed with the support of the Holzhausen Bequest of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and published in print and open access with the support of the Fritz Thyssen Foundation

Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
A-1011 Wien, Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2
Tel. +43-1-515 81/DW 3420, Fax +43-1-515 81/DW 3400, e-mail:


(Social) Place and Space inEarly Mycenaean Greece

ISBN 978-3-7001-8854-4
Print Edition
ISBN 978-3-7001-8934-3
Online Edition

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Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
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Thema: ancient
Birgitta Eder – Michaela Zavadil (eds.)

(Social) Place and Space in
Early Mycenaean Greece

International Discussions in Mycenaean Archaeology
October 5–8, 2016, Athens

ISBN 978-3-7001-8854-4
Print Edition
ISBN 978-3-7001-8934-3
Online Edition
Denkschriften der phil.-hist. Klasse 528 
Mykenische Studien  35 
2021,  626 Seiten 29,7x21cm, gebunden
€  249,–   
Open access

Birgitta Eder
is head of the Austrian Archaeological Institute, Athens Branch, at the Austrian Academy of Sciences

Michaela Zavadil
is research associate at the Institute of Oriental and European Archaeology at the Austrian Academy of Sciences

Kostas Nikolentzos, Panagiotis Moutzouridis
S.  133 - 154

Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften

The archaeological site of ‘Kleidi’ (meaning ‘key’) at Samikon is located between the sandy beach of theIonian Sea on the Gulf of Kyparissia and the Mount of Lapithos, essentially monitoring the route overland from thenorthwest to the southwest Peloponnese. Its strategic location has attracted the intensive habitation of the site from theMiddle Bronze Age up to the years of Ottoman domination. The Hellenistic fortification of the acropolis of Samikon,just opposite the prehistoric burial and residential contexts, described by Strabo and Pausanias, testifies once again tothe importance of this specific area. The present contribution attempts to reconsider the outcome of the old and recentexcavations in the area. The first archaeological investigations were carried out by Wilhelm Dörpfeld in the early 20thcentury, and the authors of this article conducted the latest excavations at the beginning of the 21st century. Althoughthe project for the overall publication of the findings is still at an early stage, our contribution intends to examine therole and the ‘status’ of Samikon within the so-called Mycenaean world and the kingdom of Pylos. Moreover, we wouldlike to clarify the relations and the connections with other adjacent archaeological sites, such as Kakovatos, Epitalionand Makrysia. The discussion of the historical topography, the burial and domestic architecture, the burial customs andthe presentation of new finds, will help to create a clearer picture of the habitation of the site.

Keywords:  Samikon, Kleidi, Triphylia, burial mound, tholos tomb, settlement
  2021/05/25 14:31:04
Object Identifier:  0xc1aa5576 0x003c7f2c

Die mykenische Kultur Griechenlands (ca. 1700–Mitte des 11. Jahrhunderts v. Chr.) hat ein herausragendes materielles Erbe in Form von Gebäuden und Artefakten hinterlassen. Lange konzentrierte sich ihre Erforschung auf Paläste und Grabmonumente. In den letzten Jahren hat sich dies jedoch erheblich geändert, was ein besseres Verständnis der Entstehung der mykenischen Kultur im 17. bis 15. Jahrhundert v. Chr. ermöglicht. Die Beiträge in diesem Band liefern neue Informationen, entweder Erkenntnisse aus neueren Feldforschungen, oder solche, die auf der neuerlichen Analyse zentraler Fundgruppen basieren bzw. umfassende vergleichende Studien darstellen, die durch die Untersuchung von Siedlungen und Gräbern neue Perspektiven auf die Entstehung einer neuen Gesellschaftsordnung eröffnen.

The Mycenaean culture of Greece (ca. 1700–mid-11th century BC) has left an outstanding material legacy in terms of buildings and artefacts. For a long time, its exploration has focused on palaces and funerary monuments. However, in recent years the state of research has changed significantly, opening up new perspectives for a broader understanding of the emergence of Mycenaean culture in the 17th to 15th centuries B.C. The contributions in this volume provide new information, either insights from recent fieldwork, the fresh analysis of key assemblages, or more comprehensive comparative studies that, by examining settlements and tombs alike, open up new perspectives on the emergence of a new social order.

Printed with the support of the Holzhausen Bequest of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and published in print and open access with the support of the Fritz Thyssen Foundation

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Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
A-1011 Wien, Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2
Tel. +43-1-515 81/DW 3420, Fax +43-1-515 81/DW 3400, e-mail: