Electronic Publication/s

(Social) Place and Space in Early Mycenaean Greece

Mykenische Studien 35

(Social) Place and Space in Early Mycenaean Greece


ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-8934-3
Subject AreaAncient History
Quality reviewrefereed - online - print
Birgitta Eder ORCID - Michaela Zavadil ORCID

(Social) Place and Space in Early Mycenaean Greece - Gesamt PDF

doi: 10.1553/978OEAW88544


page 1

Table of Contents

page 5


page 9

Eva Alram-Stern - Barbara Horejs


page 11

Birgitta Eder ORCID - Michaela Zavadil

(Social) Place and Space in Early Mycenaean Greece: An Introduction

page 13

James C. Wright

KEYNOTE Mobility and Agency in the Context of Space and Place in Early Mycenaean Greece

page 31

Birgitta Eder ORCID - Georgia Hadzi-Spiliopoulou

TRIPHYLIA AND IONIAN ISLANDS Strategies in Space: The Early Mycenaean Site of Kakovatos in Triphylia

page 59

Christine de Vreé

The Tholos Tombs of Kakovatos: Their Place in Early Mycenaean Greece

page 85

Jasmin Huber - Georgia Kordatzaki - Evangelia Kiriatzi - Hans Mommsen

Consuming Local and Imported Pots at Kakovatos: Regional and Interregional Connections

page 107

Kostas Nikolentzos - Panagiotis Moutzouridis

The Archaeological Site of Kleidi-Samikon: An Early Mycenaean Settlement in Northern Triphylia Reconsidered

page 133

Gert Jan van Wijngaarden - Nienke Pieters - Ilona von Stein - Corien Wiersma

Of Micro-, Meso- and Macro-Regions: Regional Space in the Middle and Early Late Bronze Age Ionian Islands

page 155

Anna-Vassiliki Karapanagiotou - Dimosthenis Kosmopoulos - Sharon R. Stocker - Jack L. Davis

MESSENIA Archaeological Investigations and Research Associated with the Construction of the New Roof at the Palace of Nestor

page 173

Emily Catherine Egan

Early Mycenaean Wall Paintings from the Palace of Nestor

page 185

Salvatore Vitale - Sharon R. Stocker - Evangelia Malapani

A Late Helladic IIB Pottery Deposit from the Ano Englianos Ridge at Pylos in Western Messenia

page 193

Joanne M. A. Murphy

Outside and Inside: Mortuary Rituals in Early Mycenaean Pylos

page 215

Andreas G. Vlachopoulos

The Early Μycenaeans of Pylos: The Evidence from the Chamber Tomb Cemetery at Volimidia

page 231

Michael B. Cosmopoulos

The Monumental Architecture of Iklaina

page 273

Michaela Zavadil

Mycenaean Messenia in the Making: The Evidence from the Tholos Tombs

page 283

Vassilis Petrakis

Transforming Expressions and Perceptions of Prestige in the Middle Helladic and Early Mycenaean Southwestern Peloponnese

page 295

Sofia Voutsaki - Vasco Hachtmann - Ioanna Moutafi

LAKONIA AND KYTHERA Space, Place and Social Structure in the North Cemetery, Ayios Vasileios

page 321

Adamantia Vasilogamvrou - Eleftheria Kardamaki - Nektarios Karadimas

The Foundation System at the Palace of Ayios Vasileios, Xirokambi, Lakonia

page 341

Evangelia Kiriatzi - Cyprian Broodbank

Social Places and Spaces on and beyond Kythera during the Second Palace Period: Exploring the Island’s Landscape and Connectivity

page 365

Lena Papazoglou-Manioudaki - Constantinos Paschalidis

ACHAIA AND ARKADIA The Foundation and Rise to Local Prominence of the Settlement on Mygdalia Hill, near Patras

page 383

Eleni Salavoura

Early Mycenaean Arkadia: Space and Place(s) of an Inland and Mountainous Region

page 403

Sofia Voutsaki

ARGOLID AND AIGINA Social Change and Human Agency: The Argolid at the Onset of the Mycenaean Era

page 421

Anna Philippa-Touchais - Gilles Touchais - Anthi Balitsari

The Social Dynamics of Argos in a Constantly Changing Landscape (MH II–LH II)

page 453

Stefanos Keramidas - Sofia Spyropoulou - Andromache Vassilopoulou

Placing the Kazarma Tholos Tomb within the Early Mycenaean Argolid

page 479

Eleni Konstantinidi-Syvridi

Artisans in the Service of the Royalty at Dendra and their Role in the Formation of Fashion Trends

page 501

Walter Gauß

Kolonna on Aigina: The Development of a Fortified Late Middle and Early Late Bronze Age Settlement

page 517

Oliver Dickinson

GENERAL ASPECTS The Significance of Developments in Peloponnesian Pottery over the Middle to Late Helladic Transition

page 537

Michael Lindblom - Jeremy B. Rutter

An Explosion of Polychromy: Establishing Localised Ceramic Identities at the Dawn of the Mycenaean Era

page 549

Jörg Weilhartner

The Construction of Metaphysical Space: The Adoption of Minoan Cult Symbols and the Development of Mycenaean Religious Iconography

page 571

Yannis Galanakis

Ma(r)king Places: The Monumental Mortuary Landscapes of Early Mycenaean Greece

page 595

Geographical Index

page 617