Birgitta Eder – Michaela Zavadil (eds.)

(Social) Place and Space in
Early Mycenaean Greece

International Discussions in Mycenaean Archaeology
October 5–8, 2016, Athens

ISBN 978-3-7001-8854-4
Print Edition
ISBN 978-3-7001-8934-3
Online Edition
Denkschriften der phil.-hist. Klasse 528 
Mykenische Studien  35 
2021,  626 Seiten 29,7x21cm, gebunden
€  249,–   
Open access

Birgitta Eder
is head of the Austrian Archaeological Institute, Athens Branch, at the Austrian Academy of Sciences

Michaela Zavadil
is research associate at the Institute of Oriental and European Archaeology at the Austrian Academy of Sciences

Die mykenische Kultur Griechenlands (ca. 1700–Mitte des 11. Jahrhunderts v. Chr.) hat ein herausragendes materielles Erbe in Form von Gebäuden und Artefakten hinterlassen. Lange konzentrierte sich ihre Erforschung auf Paläste und Grabmonumente. In den letzten Jahren hat sich dies jedoch erheblich geändert, was ein besseres Verständnis der Entstehung der mykenischen Kultur im 17. bis 15. Jahrhundert v. Chr. ermöglicht. Die Beiträge in diesem Band liefern neue Informationen, entweder Erkenntnisse aus neueren Feldforschungen, oder solche, die auf der neuerlichen Analyse zentraler Fundgruppen basieren bzw. umfassende vergleichende Studien darstellen, die durch die Untersuchung von Siedlungen und Gräbern neue Perspektiven auf die Entstehung einer neuen Gesellschaftsordnung eröffnen.

The Mycenaean culture of Greece (ca. 1700–mid-11th century BC) has left an outstanding material legacy in terms of buildings and artefacts. For a long time, its exploration has focused on palaces and funerary monuments. However, in recent years the state of research has changed significantly, opening up new perspectives for a broader understanding of the emergence of Mycenaean culture in the 17th to 15th centuries B.C. The contributions in this volume provide new information, either insights from recent fieldwork, the fresh analysis of key assemblages, or more comprehensive comparative studies that, by examining settlements and tombs alike, open up new perspectives on the emergence of a new social order.

Printed with the support of the Holzhausen Bequest of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and published in print and open access with the support of the Fritz Thyssen Foundation

Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
A-1011 Wien, Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2
Tel. +43-1-515 81/DW 3420, Fax +43-1-515 81/DW 3400, e-mail:


(Social) Place and Space inEarly Mycenaean Greece

ISBN 978-3-7001-8854-4
Print Edition
ISBN 978-3-7001-8934-3
Online Edition

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Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
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Thema: ancient
Birgitta Eder – Michaela Zavadil (eds.)

(Social) Place and Space in
Early Mycenaean Greece

International Discussions in Mycenaean Archaeology
October 5–8, 2016, Athens

ISBN 978-3-7001-8854-4
Print Edition
ISBN 978-3-7001-8934-3
Online Edition
Denkschriften der phil.-hist. Klasse 528 
Mykenische Studien  35 
2021,  626 Seiten 29,7x21cm, gebunden
€  249,–   
Open access

Birgitta Eder
is head of the Austrian Archaeological Institute, Athens Branch, at the Austrian Academy of Sciences

Michaela Zavadil
is research associate at the Institute of Oriental and European Archaeology at the Austrian Academy of Sciences

Sofia Voutsaki
S.  421 - 452

Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften

At the onset of the Mycenaean era the southern mainland undergoes a pervasive transformation. The periodsees the introduction of new sumptuary practices, the emergence of elites and regional centres, the redefinition of personalidentities and a new receptivity to external influences. It is widely acknowledged that the Argolid, and Mycenaein particular, play a leading role in this process. While this is undoubtedly true, assigning a central position to Mycenaeand the Argolid entails the risk of treating Mycenae as representing developments across the entire region, and converselyof seeing the Argolid as a homogeneous entity already during the early Mycenaean period.In this paper, I would like to present differences and divergences within the Argolid during this period of fluid socialrelations, political realignments and shifting alliances. My argument will proceed in stages: I will briefly introduce thetheoretical debate on agency in processes of change, and address the methodological challenges that arise. I will thendiscuss the diverging trajectories of different communities across the Argive Plain, and the dissimilar responses by differentsocial parties such as age, gender, status and kin groups. The discussion will be based on contextual analyses offunerary data carried out under the Middle Helladic Argolid Project.The aim of this paper is to reveal the interplay between wider social processes and human agency, as different communities,groups and individuals experiment with new ideas and practices, attempt to carve their position in a changingworld and to find a balance between tradition and innovation.

Keywords:  Agency, social change, mortuary practices, Mycenaean period, Late Bronze Age, Argolid, innovation, tradition
  2021/05/26 08:22:03
Object Identifier:  0xc1aa5576 0x003c7fdc

Die mykenische Kultur Griechenlands (ca. 1700–Mitte des 11. Jahrhunderts v. Chr.) hat ein herausragendes materielles Erbe in Form von Gebäuden und Artefakten hinterlassen. Lange konzentrierte sich ihre Erforschung auf Paläste und Grabmonumente. In den letzten Jahren hat sich dies jedoch erheblich geändert, was ein besseres Verständnis der Entstehung der mykenischen Kultur im 17. bis 15. Jahrhundert v. Chr. ermöglicht. Die Beiträge in diesem Band liefern neue Informationen, entweder Erkenntnisse aus neueren Feldforschungen, oder solche, die auf der neuerlichen Analyse zentraler Fundgruppen basieren bzw. umfassende vergleichende Studien darstellen, die durch die Untersuchung von Siedlungen und Gräbern neue Perspektiven auf die Entstehung einer neuen Gesellschaftsordnung eröffnen.

The Mycenaean culture of Greece (ca. 1700–mid-11th century BC) has left an outstanding material legacy in terms of buildings and artefacts. For a long time, its exploration has focused on palaces and funerary monuments. However, in recent years the state of research has changed significantly, opening up new perspectives for a broader understanding of the emergence of Mycenaean culture in the 17th to 15th centuries B.C. The contributions in this volume provide new information, either insights from recent fieldwork, the fresh analysis of key assemblages, or more comprehensive comparative studies that, by examining settlements and tombs alike, open up new perspectives on the emergence of a new social order.

Printed with the support of the Holzhausen Bequest of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and published in print and open access with the support of the Fritz Thyssen Foundation

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Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
A-1011 Wien, Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2
Tel. +43-1-515 81/DW 3420, Fax +43-1-515 81/DW 3400, e-mail: